Affiliate Status Accreditation
This first stage of accreditation is granted once a school demonstrates that it meets three core academic standards relating to: student admissions, teaching staff qualifications, and length of the study programme(s). The Governing Board of the school must also formally declare its intention to pursue accreditation with ACTEA.
The following are the financial obligations associated with this Affiliate Status:
1) The “Application Fees” for the Affiliate Status (payable upon approval):
(i) For Secondary Level = US$ 375.00
(ii) For Post-Secondary Level = US$ 750.00
(iii) For Post-Graduate Level = US$ 1,125.00
The above charges are for first study programme. The charges for each additional study programme will be 40% of the first study programme fee rate above as follows: $150 (Secondary); $300 for Post-secondary; and $450 for post-graduate level for each additional study programme.
2) The institution applying for Affiliate Status shall meet the “travel costs” associated with the visit by a designated ACTEA staff, or its appointed representative.
3) After approval of application for Affiliate Status, the “Annual Participation Fees”, which continues through candidacy and accreditation, applies as follows:
(i) Secondary Annual Fee = US$ 300.00 annual fee, and US$ 3.60 per student
(ii) Post-Secondary Fee = US$ 500.00 annual fee, and US$ 7.20 per student
(iii) Post-Graduate Fee = US$ 600.00 annual fee, and US$ 10.80 per student
Affiliate Status gives a school full, but provisional academic recognition by ACTEA for a maximum of four years.
Usually ACTEA does not approve Affiliate status unless the ACTEA staff/Accreditation Officer, or its appointed representative visits the school personally at their campus. In case the school has never been visited, ACTEA office may send a representative from a closer location. The school would be responsible for the travel costs associated with this visit.
In addition to the accreditation services, the Affiliate Status guarantees an institution secure place on ACTEA’s special mailing lists, including all issues of the ACTEA eNews. They are also guaranteed invitations to relevant ACTEA functions in their area, and ready access to other ACTEA programmes, facilities, and offers, as they become available.