ACTEA Forums
One of ACTEA’s objectives is to facilitate networking and cooperation among African theological Institutions. One way we do this is by providing an electronic forum for the exchange of ideas relating to evangelical theological education. Building on the considerably large constituency of ACTEA eNews, with over 1,000 readers, ACTEA provides this forum on a periodic basis for the distribution of brief articles which may prove helpful to schools moving toward excellence and renewal in evangelical theological education. We use the name “ACTEA Forum” for this periodic email publication.
Readers are invited to submit potential articles for future editions to the moderator of the forum, Dr Rich Starcher Accepted contributions will be distributed as future issues of ACTEA Forum. While ACTEA is pleased to promote such discussion, it does not necessarily subscribe to the ideas contained in each article.
If you would like to send and/or receive readers’ comments on this and future ACTEA Forum articles, you can subscribe (at no cost to you) either by sending an email to: or by clicking on this link:
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