Home Accredited at Post-Graduate Level

Accredited at Post-Graduate Level

Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology (EGST)

Address: P.O. Box 24934, AA 1000, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Director: Misgana Mathewos, misganamatthews@gmail.com

Head of Academic Affairs:  Dr. Seblewengel Daniel, academicaffairs@egst.edu.et

Website:  https://egst.edu.et/

Programmes accredited:

Post-Graduate Diploma,

• Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies (MABTS), Master of Arts in Leadership Management (MALM)


Evangelical Theological College (ETC)

Address: P.O. Box 5773 AA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Principal: Dr.  Frew Tamrat, frewtamrat@gmail.com

Head of Graduate Studies:  Alemseged Katema, etcdean@gmail.com

Website: www.etcollege.org

Programmes Accredited: 

Bachelor of Theology,

• Master of Arts in Holistic Child Development, Master of Arts in Education Leadership


International Leadership University (ILU)

(Formerly Nairobi International School of Theology)

Address: P.O. Box 60954, Nairobi, Kenya

Location: Nairobi Kenya

Vice Chancellor: Prof. Dr. Tim Kiruhi, tkiruhi@kenya.ilu.edu

Website: www.kenya.ilu.edu

Programmes Accredited:

Master of Arts, Master of Divinity


Mekane Yesus Seminary (MYS)

Address: P.O. Box 1247, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

President:  Rev. Dr. Bruk Ayele Asale, bruk.ayelea@gmail.com

Academic Dean:  Dr. Ebisse Gudeta, myscotsd2020@gmail.com

Registrar:  Gemechis T. Olana, gemteftu@gmail.com

Website: mekaneyesusseminary.org

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma of Theology,

• Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Theology in Christian-Muslim Relations (BTh-CMR)

• Masters of Arts in Theology (MA in Theology)


Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary (NBTS)

Address: PMB 4008, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

Location: Ogbomoso, Nigeria

President: Rev. Dr. Emiola Nihinlola, nbtspresident@gmail.com and nbtsseminary@yahoo.com

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma in Church Music,

• Bachelor in Church Music, Bachelor in Religious Studies, Bachelor in Theology, Bachelor in Theology (Missiology),

• Master of Divinity (Regular programme), Master of Theology, Master of Theology (Religious Studies), Master in Church Music