Home Accredited at Post-Secondary level

Accredited at Post-Secondary level

African Christian College

Address: PO Box 331, Manzini M200, Eswatini

Location: Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)

President: Brad Carter,  brad@africanchristiancollege.org

Registrar:  Tsitsi Nherera, tsitsi.nherera@africanchristiancollege.org

Website: www.africanchristiancollege.org

Programme Accredited:

Bachelor of Theology in Bible & Ministry, Organizational Leadership and Counselling Programme.


Africa Theological Seminary

(Formerly known as International Christian Ministries Seminary [ICM Seminary])

Address: PO Box 1284, Kitale, Kenya

Location: Kenya

Principal: Rev Dr Chrispine Juma, chrispinej@yahoo.co.uk

Academic Dean:  Alfred Rutto, gimnyigei@gmail.com

Registrar:  Margaret Makokha, magimakokha@gmail.com

Inquiries:  info@atseminary.ac.ke

Website: www.atseminary.ac.ke

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma in Bible and Theology,

• Bachelor of Arts in Bible & Theology


Bible Institute of South Africa (BISA)

Address: Main Road, Kalk Bay 7975, South Africa

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Phone: +27 21 7884116

Fax:  +27 21 7887289

Principal: Dr. Daniel Simango, danielsimango@gmail.com and dsimango@bisa.org.za

Registrar:  Lorna Catherine Bucklow, lcbucklow@bisa.org.za

College Manager/Administrator: Maurice Espin : mmespin@bisa.org.za

Website: www.bisa.org.za

Programme Accredited:

Bachelor of Arts (Theology)


Evangelical Bible College of Malawi (EBCoM)

Address: P.O. Box 243, Blantyre, Malawi

Principal: Rev. Gift Sidala Mphongolo, fatachi.gm@gmail.com

Phone / WhatsApp:  +265 883 517 729

FB:  www.facebook.com/Evangelical-Bible-College-of-Malawi-EBCoM-157571187646410/

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma in Theology and Christian Ministry, Certificate of Biblical Studies (English)


Evangelical University (EU)

(Formerly Theological College of Central Africa- TCCA)

Address: P.O. Box 250100, Ndola, Zambia

Location: Ndola, Zambia

Vice Chancellor:  Dr. Lazarus Phiri, lphiri@swissmail.org

Academic Dean:  Margit Schwemmle, academicdean@evangelicaluniversity.ac.zm

Website:  www.evangelicaluniversity.ac.zm/

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma of Theology,

• Bachelor of Theology 


Friends Theological College (FTC)

Address: PO Box 9, Tiriki, 50309 Kenya

Location: Tiriki, Kenya

Principal:  Dr. Robert Wafula,  rjwafula@gmail.com

Academic Dean:  Dr. Rodgers Wekesi Mukimba, mrodgerswekesi@yahoo.com

Registrar:  Jacqueline Mumia, ftc.registrar@gmail.com

Website:  friendstheologicalcollege.org

Programmes Accredited:

• School Based Diploma in Theology

Bachelor of Theology


Justo Mwale University (JMU)

Address: P.O. Box 310199, Lusaka 15301, Zambia

Location: Lusaka, Zambia

Vice Chancellor:  Dr. Lukas Soko, mzamoselukas@ymail.com

Rector:  rector@justomwale.net

Dean of Studies: Rev. Dr. Lameck Banda

Website: www.justomwale.net

Programmes Accredited: Diploma of Theology, Bachelor of Theology


Kima International School of Theology ( KIST)

Address: PO Box 75, Maseno, Kenya

Maseno, Kenya

Principal: Rev. Patrick Mulayo, pat.mulayo@gmail.com

Academic Dean:  Rev. Rose Chemengemet, kistsotacademicdean@gmail.com

Inquiries:  KISTSOT@gmail.com

FB:  www.facebook.com/people/Kima-International-School-of-Theology/100066619934731/

Programmes Accredited: 

Diploma in Bible and Theology


LIFE Theological Seminary (LTS)

Address: 79 Awolowo Road, PO Box 56, Ikorodu, Nigeria

Location; Lagos, Nigeria.

Provost:  Rev. Dr. Cletus C. Orgu, ccorgu@yahoo.co.uk and ccorgu@gmail.com

Registrar:  Delight Oyedeji, kadelightoyedeji@yahoo.com

Website:  lts.edu.ng/

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma in Theology,

• Bachelor of Theology


Moffat Bible College (MBC)

Address: P.O. Box 70, Kijabe, Kenya

Located: Kijabe, Kenya.

Principal:  Rev. Dr. Paul Kamunge, principal@moffatbiblecollege.org

Academic Dean:  Rev. Dr. Tom J. Obengo, academics@moffatbiblecollege.org

Website:  www.moffatbiblecollege.org

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma in Bible and Theology


Scott Christian University (SCU)

(Formerly Scott Theological College)

Address: P.O. 49, Machakos, Kenya

Location: Machakos, Kenya

Vice Chancellor:  Dr Morompi ole Ronkei, vc@scott.ac.ke

DVCAA: hmalinda@scott.ac.ke

Academic Registrar:  Mrs. Agnes Musau, registrar@scott.ac.ke

Inquiries:  info@scott.ac.ke / admissions@scott.ac.ke

Website: scott.ac.ke

Program Accredited:

Bachelor of Theology


Shiloh International Theological Seminary (SITS)

Address: P.O.Box 1185, Awassa, Ethiopia

Location:  Awassa, Ethiopia

President: Dr. Endale Sebsebe, esebsebe@yahoo.com

Academic Dean:  Tito Fantahun, tittopleasing@gmail.com

Registrar:  Selamawit Yared, yaredselamawit@yahoo.com

Website:  sits.edu.et/

Programme Accredited:

Bachelor of Theology


The Evangelical College of Theology (TECT)

Address: P. O. Box 890, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Location: Freetown, Sierra Leone

Principal:  Rev. Dr. Warren Manso Forna, warrenm34@yahoo.com

Registrar:  Dr. Donald Manley, tectregistrar@gmail.com

Dean:  Rev. James K. Sawo-Koroma, jem.sawokoroma@gmail.com

Website: www.tectsl.org

Programmes Accredited:

Diploma of Theology,

• Bachelor of Theology


Theological College of Zimbabwe (TCZ)

Address: PO Box 1702, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Location: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

President:  Dr. Raymond Motsi, rgmotsi@gmail.com

Academic Dean:  Dr. G. Muriwo

Registrar:  Mr I. Siziba

Inquiries: info@tczonline.com

Website: tczonline.com

Program Accredited:

Bachelor of Arts in Theology


Universite Shalom de Bunia ( USB)

(Formerly Institute Superieure Theologique de Bunia)

Address: P.O. Box 21285, Nairobi, Kenya

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Vice Chancellor:  Dr. George Artido, george.atido@gmail.com

Secrétaire Général Académique (Academic Dean):  Prof. Corneille Kibuka Kutionga, Kib.corneille@gmail.com

Appariteur (Registrar):  Mr. Jonathan Tibamwenda Kabona, tkabonajonathan@gmail.com

Inquiries:   admission@unishabunia.org

Website: www.unishabunia.org

Programme Accredited:

Diplome de Graduat en Theologie Licence en Theologie