Supervising Doctoral Students

Nairobi, Kenya , Kenya

The International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) is offering a training opportunity for doctoral research supervisors in partnership with Langham Partnership and ACTEA.

The SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023

University of Nairobi, 1 Kipande Road, Nairobi, Kenya University of Nairobi, 1 Kipande Road, Nairobi, Kenya

The SOAS GLOCAL is a fully Non-Profit unit at SOAS, University of London, assisting scholars in impeded economic positions who require funding to access the Conference, and who display strong scholarly competence. The SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023 proceedings are SCOPUS / ISI (AHCI / SSCI / CPCI) indexed, thus contributing to ranked and cited publications for those accepted to present and publish.

Biblical Foundations for Women in Leadership

We had a great Webinar on Foundations for Women in Leadership! We are thankful to our Speakers, Dr. Agnes Makau and Dr. Mimi Haddad for such great insights focusing on Women Leadership in the Old and the New Testament. #ACTEA #Womenleadership #WomeninTheology #AdvancingTheologicalEducation

African Women’s Spiritual Formation and Leadership Development

ACTEA, in partnership with the Nagel Institute at Calvin University (USA), proudly presents the following call for abstracts. African women, including women of color and the African diaspora, are at the core of Christian spiritual formation and leadership development. These women actively sustain their churches, leading congregational life and ministry through dedicated groups that deeply influence family […]