Home About ACTEA for Women

About ACTEA for Women

ACTEA for Women aims to support both established female theologians and emerging female theologians in ways they could not access or create otherwise.

Our vision for African women in theological education is to see their stories of lament become stories of leadership. It is to see stories marked by frustration and exclusion become redeemed as powerful starting points for new collaborations, innovations, and actions that hold the potential to transform the institutions and cultures that, intentionally or unintentionally, have not had room for their voices. Our vision is to see women flourish and reach their God-given potential in African theological institutions to the benefit of the African Church.

We seek to do this by focusing on the following 5 areas:

  • Training: Provide ongoing training for female faculty in three main areas: research and publishing, faculty, and leadership development. This will be achieved by offering monthly online learning cafés on selected topics of interest and need.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Create an online platform for networking and information sharing regarding presentation and publication opportunities, TE conferences, and scholarship/grants. Provide opportunities for online and in-person networking beyond their own schools, countries, and regions.
  • Publishing: Provide publishing opportunities for both emerging and senior female scholars by establishing a new journal to strengthen the voice of female scholars in Africa.
  • Advisory Function: We will gather a group of senior female faculty to form an advisory group to advise on how ACTEA schools can prioritize access for women, support their training, and open up faculty appointments for women. Be a resource with regard to strategies to increase gender equity
  • Mentoring: Establish a mentoring program for emerging female scholars to be paired with more senior female faculty. Provide mentoring training for senior faculty.