Home Library Support services THEOLOGICAL JOURNALS


Many of us who live on the African continent struggle to find access to good sources for our studies, even those of us who have access to one of the better academic (university or seminary) libraries. So to help all of us out, we’ve compiled a list of open access (or partially open access) journals that are pertinent to our studies. (“Open Access” means legally free PDF files are available.)

First, be aware of ACTEA’s own journal. The English-language title is African Christian Theology; it is also known as Théologie Chrétienne Africaine in French and Teologia Christã Africana in Portuguese.  The journal is available at https://AfricanChristianTheology.org.

Second, here are four sites that list a wealth of of journals concerned with Africa, many of which (not all) are open access (note well that many of the journals listed pertain to fields beyond the scope of theological education):

Next, here are specific journals of which all theological libraries and institutions in Africa should be aware (listed alphabetically):

Next, here are specific journals of which we should all be aware (listed alphabetically):
Third, these three open access journals often feature articles related specifically to African contexts:


(for purchase by subscription)

Finally, these are some select journals to which every theological library in Africa should subscribe:

  • Journal of African Christian Thought
    Published by Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission & Culture in Ghana; founded by Kwame Bediako and Gillian Bediako; only available in paper hardcopy.  More information …
  • Journal of Religion in Africa
    Published by Brill; founded by Andrew F. Walls; currently edited by Elias Kifon Bongmba; available in paper hardcopy and/or in digital format; also available digitally through JSTOR.  More information …