October 2022

January – August 2022

Greetings from the new ACTEA office!  Welcome to a virtual tour of ACTEA’s new and modern office!

Message from ACTEA Director
The pioneering African theologian and theological educator Dr Byang Kato (1936–1975) of Nigeria is the founding father of ACTEA. Serving as the General Secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), he issued a call at a meeting in Limuru, Kenya in November 1975 for the establishment of

i.  an agency to accredit theological institutions in Africa,
ii. graduate level institutions here on the continent,
iii. publications by evangelical African scholars, and
iv. of an academic journal to serve the needs of African evangelical Christianity

To read more, including an update and pictures of our new office….

download October 2022 e-news here