Volume 1/January 2015


It is with great joy that we share the good news of approval of frill accreditation status of Theological College of Zimbabwe, in Bulawayo, with effect from September 2014. This was a culmination of a comprehensive process in which the institution put together the Self-Evaluation Report (SER), hosted the Visitation Team (VT) from 3rd to 7th March, 2014, and responded to VT concerns and inquiries before final approval of its accreditation by ACTEAs Executive Committee (ExCo).

This accreditation will be valid until 7th March 2024 — a ten-year period — and pertains to TCZ’s BA (Theology) study programme. TCZ will be required to begin the re-accreditation process in March 2022 (the eighth year) before the lapse of this accreditation period. During the course of this period, TCZ will continue to be accountable to ACTEA by submitting annual reports, relevant fees and institutional documentations. In addition, TCZ will host a mid-term official visitation by ACEA representative(s) between the fourth and sixth year. Among other benefits of this new status, TCZ will now send one representative to the highest governance organ of ACTEA, the ACTEA Council.

We now invite all our ACTEA stakeholders to join us in congratulating TCZ community of staff, students, and proprietors for the hard work and determination they put into this process until the successful attainment of ACTEAs full accreditation status for its BA programme.

it is our prayer that TCZ will continue to be inspired by this new accreditation status in its pursuit of quality and excellence in general administrative operations, academic excellence, and spiritual formation for all stakeholders of TCZ community. Congratulations to TCZ and to God be the glory!


An ACTEA team consisting of Dr. Stephanie Black (former ACTEA Accreditation Officer, USA). Mr. Endale Sebsebe (Academic Dean, Shiloh Bible College, Ethiopia), Prof. David Ngaruiya (Deputy Vice Chancellor, ILU, Kenya), Mrs. Esther Nyagah (Registrar, ALU, Kenya) and Dr. Rich Stuebing (ACTEA Deputy Director, USA) visited Africa Theological Seminary (ATS) in late October 2014 to assess ATSs desire for accreditation of their post-secondary programmes in Bible and Theology. ATS is located in Kitale, Kenya and is the institution where the present ACTEA Director, Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich, previously served as Principal. They have a unique programme of combining pastoral ministry and academic work through a continuous short-term resident module system that is followed by application in the field.


We are pleased to report that from 27th to 3oth October, 2014, ACIEA Executive Director. Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich and Deputy Director, Dr. Rich Stuebing, made an official visit to six of its accredited institutions located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The two arrived Addis Ababa on the afternoon of 27th October, 2014, and resided at the SIM Guest house throughout their week of their visitation in Ethiopia. The institutions visited were: Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology (EGST); Mekane Yesus Seminary (MKC); Pentecostal Theological College (PTC); Meserete Kristos College (MKC); Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary (EFGTS); and Evangelical Theological College (ETC).

During the visit to these institutions, ACTEA representatives were given a tour of each institution’s facilities, which included administrative offices, library, dining, hostels, lecture rooms, and (at MKC) a farm. In most institutions, they were able to present to their staff an overview of ACTEA services and the recent organizational changes including, relocation of ACTE. Office from Ndola, Zambia, to Nairobi, Kenya; new governance structures; new website (www.acteaweb.org); among others. They also invited feedback on matters related to ACTEA accreditation services and relationship dynamics between their institutions and ACTEA.

Overall, ACTEA representatives were impressed by the progress made in most of the institutions visited evident in various as1cts of their o1rations. Such as upgraded physical facilities, reviewed academic curriculum, quality assurance systems, high qualifications of faculty, Africanization of staff/faculty, initiation of income—generating Projects improved stocking of libraries, and a strong desire from institutional leadership teams for a closer working relationship with ACTEA.

The institutions also shared sonic of their challenges which include: low staff remunerations, inadequate funding support of institutions, inadequate library holdings especially African literature, unreliable internet services, inadequate physical facilities among others.

We in ACTEA praise God for the opportunity to visit these institutions, which not only provided a unique opportunity for our new Executive Director to know the staff and institutional facilities and locations and getting latest information on each of these institutions, but also for the opportunity it offered the ACTEA team to listen to the leadership of these institutions as they posed their questions, inquiries, and suggestions and also shared both their concerns and joys in their ongoing relationship with ACTEA.

It is our pledged commitment to incorporate some of the inputs and suggestions received in streamlining ACTEA services to our institutions and in future revisions of ACTEA policies and standards of accreditation for improved delivery of quality services to our constituents.



We are delighted to inform you that African Christian College (ACU) located in Tubungu. 15 kilometers from capital city, Mbabane, Swaziland, hosted ACTEA representative, Dr. Peter W. Smuts of Bible Institute of South Africa (BISA), who is also a member of the ACTEA Executive Council (ExCo), from  18th to 20th November, 201.1. This was an official ACTEA on—site review visitation in response to ACC’s application for Candidacy dated, 6th October, 2014.

Dr. Smuts’ report is currently being assessed by autonomous and independent Review Panel members, who will make final recommendations soon. Let’s all pray for ACC leadership and all stakeholders as they await the results of their Candidacy application.

Feel free to visit their website, www.africunchristiancollege.org,  to learn more about  ACC.


ACTEA Executive Director, Rev Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich, attended ICETE (International Council for Evangelical Theological Education) Board meeting held in Orlando, Florida, USA, from 7th to 9th November, 2014. This forum brings together representatives from all continental accrediting agencies that provide services to evangelical theological institutions.

They are:

  • ACTEA – Association for Christian Theological Education (Africa)
  • ATA – Asia Theological Association (Asia)
  • CETA – Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (Caribbean)
  • EEAA – European Evangelical Accrediting Association (Europe)
  • E-AAA – Euro-Asian Accrediting Association (Euro-Asia)
  • AETAL – Association for Evangelical Theological Education in Latin America (Latin America)
  • MEATE – Middle East Association for Theological Education (Middle East and North Africa)
  • ABHE – Association for Biblical Higher Education (North America)
  • SPAEC – South Pacific Association of Evangelical Colleges (South Pacific).

Among other things, ICETE Board brings all these nine regional associations together to facilitate international networking, interactions, and collaborations towards enhancement of evangelical theological education globally.

For more details, visit the ICETE website www.icete-edu.org.


We do appreciate your prayers for our institutions that are seriously affected by the outbreak of Ebola. TECT and LBTS have had numerous challenges since the outbreak of the virus over six months ago. Ebola is not totally gone, although there are fewer cases than before. Both institutions have remained closed in compliance with their Governments pronouncement for all schools in the country to close. Liberia government thinks schools can reopen something which has attracted man mixed reactions from the public. Some think it is timely; some think it is not.

LBTS is about to reopen in compliance with Governments pronouncement for all schools to do so. The challenges are numerous. Some preventive protocols were released by Government to prevent new cases among students, but it seems the expenses will be too huge for many schools to incur without subsidy from Government or elsewhere. In Sierra Leone, the government has said that all learning institutions will remain closed until the country is declared Ebola free by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The closure of schools and colleges has frustrated parents, students, teachers and education authorities/providers in these two countries. The fear that many students will not be able to return to school is becoming imminent due to sonic anti—education practices of sonic students, while for others it may result in the death of their education founders due to the Ebola virus. In fact, many families have been out of jobs since the outbreak — this includes both the staff of LBTS and TECT. How students will generate their tuition costs is plaguing many families. For those willing to support LBTS and TECT— either financially or by donating the protective gears, you can get in touch with the two institutions via the contacts below;


Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving for a new year and a new term for many institutions!

Transitions: Many institutions are in transition from Colleges/Seminaries to fully fledged universities. Let us pray that as they plan carefully through this process, the Lord will grant them favor, grace and strength they need in this journey. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for all leadership members involved in the decision—making process and implementation. Let us also pray that these institutions maintain strong theological programmes as they widen their Course offerings.

Curriculum Revision: For the institutions that are revising their Curricula, let us pray that even as they do their research and put the new curriculum framework together, that the Lord will guide them and grant them wisdom on what needs to be in the new curriculum.

Accreditation and Re—accreditation: Let us pray for the ACTEA institutions that are in the process of getting their programmes accredited or re—accredited. We pray for wisdom, renewal of strength and good health of the leadership involved in writing the Self Evaluation Reviews (SER).

Financial Stability: Let us pray for financial stability of our theological institutions. Many institutions are also putting up physical structures which need to be completed on time to support various programmes. May the Lord provide resources immeasurably for the continuity of the gospel and theological education in Africa.

Peace: A good number of African countries are not politically stable. We pray that the Lord will give Africa peace, that wars will not he our portion. May we be instruments of peace in Africa, and let us continue to love each other as Christ has loved us and maintain peace among each other.


Note and pray for the success of the following upcoming meetings:

  • OCI institute: 5th -7th May (Nigeria)
  • AEA General assembly: 22nd June – 2nd July (Zimbabwe)
  • ICETE Consultation: 6th -11th November (Turkey)


[Reviews of recent Africa—related publications relevant for informed Christian reflection are provided for this newsletter by the specialist journal BookNotes for Africa. The reviews are of particular interest for theological educators, libraries and researchers in Africa and elsewhere. Each issue offers 40 reviews, and to date BookNotes has published more than twelve hundred such reviews. The subscription rate is US$10 for four issues (airmail) to addresses within Africa. And $15 to addresses overseas. Send inquiries and orders to: BookNotes for Africa. c/o Dr. Rich Stuebing. 612 Messiah Circle, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 USA. or email to: booknotesforafrica@gmail.com]


If you have library news or questions, please feel free to contact David Fitz-Patrick at dfit@bisa.or.za so that he can include them or help where possible via our ACTEA Librarians eNews.

Download a copy of Volume 1/January 2015 eNEWS HERE