SEP-DEC 2016

Download 4Oth Edition. September – December, 2016 eNews here

In this edition of ACTEA E-News, we cover organizational activities for the last 4 months of 2016 in both print and pictures. Among other events, the key features highlighted here include, the ACTEA 40th anniversary celebrations, ACTEA business meetings, conferences held, assessors’ training, and visits to institutions for accreditation services. We welcome you to enjoy reading and viewing the pictures of the colorful and enriching ACTEA events of the last part of 2016!


40 years ago, The Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) launched new service agency for evangelical theological schools in Africa, the Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA) then referred to as, Accrediting council for Theological Education in Africa.

ACTEA was founded in response to the dream of Dr. Byang Kato, the first African General Secretary of the Association of Evangelical in Africa (AEA). Dr. Kato saw the urgent need for an association for evangelical theological schools in Africa, which could assist them in areas of common need such as secured academic recognition. The ground work for the new body was laid at a major gathering of theological educators which Dr. Kato convened in Nairobi in November 1975. In March 1976, the Executive Committee of AEA formally constituted the new project under AEA’s Theological and Christian Education Commission.

A Council was appointed to plan, initiate and administer the programme and Dr. Paul Bowers, then, a senior lecturer, at ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja Nigeria, was asked to serve as the first coordinator of ACTEA


On 20th November 2016, ACTEA held a thanksgiving service to celebrate its 40th Anniversary jointly with AEA fraternity for its 50th/Jubilee anniversary. The celebration epitomized God’s faithfulness to ACTEA and its services of promoting quality theological education in the African continent. Forty years on, ACTEA continues to service theological institutions for excellence and renewal. And although fraught with sometimes insurmountable difficulties ACTEA not only survived these forty years but also made remarkable progress.

God has enabled ACTEA to play a vital role in validating study programmes and capacity-building services for many evangelical theological schools throughout Africa. As a result ACTEA has become widely accepted as the most trusted and effective service body in theological education on the continent. ACTEA is also a founding member of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE), a global alliance of regional associations of theological schools, which in combination cover all parts of the world.


It was during this thanksgiving service that ACTEA launched its book “Theological Education in Africa: The ACTEA Story” (currently in the process of being published). This is the first-ever comprehensive history of this strategic continent-wide accrediting and support ministry agency to evangelical theological education in Africa. This book is authored by Dr. Paul Bowers who taught theology in Africa since 1968, in Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Ethiopia. He has also been involved with the Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA) since its inception in 1976 and with the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) since its inception in 1980. Please find the flyer attached for more information.


During the 40th Celebrations, ACTEA took time to salute those who have labored sacrificially not only to translate ACTEA from a dream into a reality, but also to keep the vision alive. These include, unfailing support and generosity of our donors and benefactors, the dedication of our member institutions throughout Africa, and the never tiring Council members and staff. There couldn’t have been a more appropriate way to celebrate our 40th anniversary than recognizing this vibrant and united family of faithful co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard.

ACTEA recognized and appreciated the following key individuals and organizational partners who have made vital contributions to ACTEA ministry over the last 40 years: The late Byang Henry Kato, Paul Bowers, George Foxall, Tite Tiénou, the late Cornelius Olowola, Titus Kivunzi, Moussa Coulibaly, Scott Cunningham, Lazarus Seruyange, Jacob Kibor, the late Douglas Carew, Rich Stuebing, Onesimus Ngundu, Joe Simfukwe, Semeon Mulatu, Philippe Emedi, Bungishabaku Katho, Emmanuel Chemengich, Desta Heliso, Stephanie Black, Florence Kagwamba, David and Ngaruiya, And the organizations recognized were: Theological Training in Africa (THETA), Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), Cornerstone Trust Foundation, International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE), Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland (EMW), Network for African Congregational Theology ( NetACT), White Horse Inn (WHI), Theological Book Network ( TBN) and Serve in Mission (SIM).


The ACTEA Executive Committee and Council meetings took place in Nairobi just a few days before the “Anniversary Thanksgiving service”. Among other resolutions, the ACTEA constituencies renewed its commitment to the growth, development and sustainability of ACTEA. Thus, on matters of financial sustainability, members resolved to raise funds toward the Office project. They were informed that that a key ACTEA partner had awarded us US$150,000 (with $100,000 of this amount tied to matching grant to make a total of $230,000) towards the purchase of the one-floor of the AEA office block for financial sustainability of ACTEA.

ACTEA Council and stakeholders will need to ensure completion of the project by raising remaining funds to complete purchase of the one-floor or at the least, onehalf floor of AEA office building. ACTEA administration is currently raising funds to fulfill the matching grant challenge and complete the total target of US$600,000 required for the one full floor. We encourage and invite those desiring to make donation to kindly email ACTEA office through these emails: and copy Another significant issue was the Consultant taking Council members through Strategic Planning process and seeking their feedback toward establishing the first ever ACTEA Strategic Plan document covering 2017-2021 period. This document has been finalized and is due to be distributed to ACTEA stakeholders from 1st March, 2017. Finally, the ACTEA Executive Committee and Council members held election for new members to serve for the next 3 years, Nov 2016 to Nov 2019. While Chair and Vice-Chair retained their positions, the new Treasurer is Dr. Benjamin Musyoka, the new Vice-Chancellor of International Leadership University based in Nairobi, Kenya.

The 40th anniversary was a great celebration to mark and praise God for His faithfulness in the four decades of making ACTEA a leading agent in its core mandate represented in its mission, “to promote quality evangelical theological education in Africa, by providing supporting services, facilitating academic recognition, and fostering continental and inter-continental cooperation.”