June – Dec 2017

Download June – Dec 2017 eNews here

Message from ACTEA Director

The last half of 2017 ushered abundant opportunities for the growth of the mission and activities of ACTEA. In this e-Newsletter edition, we cover ACTEA’s June-December 2017 activities in which you will witness for yourself the highlights of these ministry opportunities which I summarize as follows:

 First, the list of on-site visits to theological institutions in Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, Angola and Ethiopia seeking ACTEA validation of their study programmes. Join us in congratulating those who have successfully completed this process and were awarded Affiliate Status, specifically, WES in Ethiopia and CABC in Zambia. Many other visited schools are close to completing reviews of their assessment visitations and we will announce results in our next e-Newsletter.

Second, the international conferences and gatherings attended by ACTEA staff, namely, Standards Benchmarks in Rome, Italy, and Theological Conference in Arusha, Tanzania. We also held the annual Global Theological Initiatives for 38 theologians from 9 countries of East and Horn of Africa. Third, highlights of key resolutions by the ACTEA Council meetings held in November 2017. Pray with us for the Lord to guide the smooth and effective implementations of these resolutions towards organizational growth and streamlining of ACTEA services to our esteemed constituents.

 And finally, as you look back with us to what the Lord enabled us to accomplish in the last half of 2017, pray for divine grace, wisdom and resources to accomplish activities planned for 2018.  We specifically ask for your prayers for the many newly appointed leaders of our member institutions for God to use them in strengthening and growing the vision and ministries of the institutions God has entrusted upon them.

Welcome and enjoy the highlights of ACTEA activities that fill the pages of this e-news!


It is with joy that, we at ACTEA report the good news of the award of Affiliate Status accreditation in July 2017 and December 2018 respectively to, the Central Africa Baptist College (CABC) in Kitwe, Zambia and Wolaita Evangelical Seminary (WES) in Wolaita, Ethiopia.

These awards were made following successful institutional assessment visitations by Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich on 8th to 9th August 2016 for CABC and 3rd June 2017 for WES. ACTEA awarded accreditation to the following programmes: Bachelor of Theology for CABC, and Diploma in Ministry and Bachelor of Ministry programmes for WES. We invite you to join the ACTEA family in congratulating these two new member institutions! In addition, pray also for each institution and their leadership teams as they seek to be faithful to God’s calling to them, and for an enriching and renewing partnership as they invite ACTEA to be her accountability and support partner in their journey to quality and recognized study programmes.  Congratulations to CABC and WES!


The Global Theological Initiative (GTI) conference for Eastern Africa took place from 13th to 15th July 2017 at CORAT Africa in Karen, Nairobi. This event of post-doctoral scholars was co-hosted by the Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA) and The White Horse Inn (WHI) based in California, USA. The 2017 GTI gathered together 37 post-doctoral theologians from the 8 countries in East and Horn of Africa region (Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania). The theme for 2017 conference was “The Cross of Christ: Atonement and Reconciliation in a Violent World”. The conference included theological presentations from and dialogue with African and American scholars.

Pray for next GTI East Africa event scheduled to take place from 19th to 21st July 2018.  



BTSE is historically the third seminary of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, joining the seminaries at Ogbomoso in the west and Kaduna in the north. BTSE was founded in 1945 by Southern Baptist missionaries from the USA who had a vision for a theological school in the Niger Delta region.

They applied for the Affiliate Status, which is the first stage of accreditation, in January 2017. Rev. Dr. Dwight Singer, ACTEA Networking Officer, conducted the visit from 19th to 21st July 2017.  BTSE is seeking validation at Affiliate Status for the following academic programmes: Diploma in Religious Education, Diploma in Theology, Bachelor of Religious Education, Bachelor of Theology, and Master of Divinity.


The foundation of ETSA started at far back in early 1960’s, when SIM/ECWA leaders from Jos established a Bible School in the Eastern region of Nigeria. The first intake was made up of six students with the local Pastor serving as the Principal and the teacher. A year later, the school was relocated to its present site at Umuokea village.  Rev. Dr. Dwight Singer, ACTEA Networking Officer, conducted the visit from 17th to 18th July 2017. ETSA is seeking ACTEA accreditation at the Affiliate level for the following academic programmes: Certificate in Theology, Diploma in Theology, Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Post- Graduate Diploma in Theology, and Master of Arts in Theology.


Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangelica no Lubango (ISTEL) is in Lubango Angola.  It was started in 1981 by Evangelical Alliance of Angola (AEA) The school offers in-depth theological education at various levels – from diploma courses to the Master’s program. Angola is a Portuguese speaking country, making ISTEL the only Lusophone Institution that ACTEA has. Dr. Steve Hardy- ICETE consultant and a Portuguese speaker conducted the visit from 18th -21st August 2017 to do the assessment.ISTEL is seeking ACTEA accreditation at the Affiliate level for the following Bachelor in Theology programme.


 The Theological Education in Africa (TEA) conference, hosted in Arusha, Tanzania, by the Resonate Global Missions (formerly ‘Christian Reformed World and Home Missions’) took place from 14th to 18th August 2017. This conference brought together 500 people from about fifteen countries in East and Southern Africa, to worship together and to network. It was exciting, invigorating and productive, with many good speakers from many parts of the world.  Dr. Mwaya Kitavi and his team did an amazing job of coordinating and facilitating this conference. These conferences run almost annually since 2008.  ACTEA was represented by its Director, Emmanuel Chemengich, and Executive Admin Assistant, Florence Kagwamba.

The theme for 2017 gathering was, “Church, Worship, Community Development, and Theological Education in Africa.” It included workshops led by leaders from across the globe on topics such as, city transformation movements, prayer life, and revival.

“This was a very successful conference attended by participants from more than 50 denominations, more than 150 churches, and more than 30 theological institutions,” said Rev. Mwaya Wa Kitavi, the TEA event chair who also serves as Director of Africa Ministries in Eastern and Southern Africa for Resonate Global Mission.


                      The Visitation Team (VT) event to Kima International School of Theology in Kima, Vihiga County, Kenya, took place from the evening of Sunday, 2nd July through the afternoon of Friday, 7th July 2017. The VT took place after KIST administration successfully completed a self-evaluation process and submitted Self-Evaluation Report (SER) document to ACTEA.  This five-day on-site VT event was geared towards validating KIST’s post-secondary Diploma in Bible and Theology programme.

ACTEA’s five-member Visitation Team (VT) to KIST comprised of:  Dr. Dwight Singer, ACTEA Networking Officer of Delaware, USA (VT Leader), Dr. Sammy Linge of Nairobi, Kenya; Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich of Nairobi, Kenya; Habtamu Solomon of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Gishu Jebecha from Addis Ababa, of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The VT members completed successfully their one-week task.


In 2015, at the C-15 gathering, ICETE regional associations were encouraged to pursue the idea of a consultation among ICETE accreditation agencies to work on a set of common accreditation standards for global evangelical accreditation. This result was the Rome Standards Benchmark Consultation which took place from 5th to 9th September in Rome, Italy. Executive Director, Emmanuel Chemengich, and Networking Officer, Dwight Singer, represented ACTEA at this important global event.

The desired outcome of this meeting is to set up global quality benchmarks that will strengthen the identity of evangelical theological education and increase mobility and reciprocal recognition.


Friends Theological College (FTC) is located in Kaimosi, Western part of Kenya, along the Kisumu-Eldoret road. It was founded in 1942 at Lugulu, Western Kenya, as Friends Bible Institute by the Friends United Meeting for East Africa Yearly Meeting. In 1994 the name of the college changed from Friends Bible Institute to Friends Theological College. Following their successful submission of the Self-evaluation (SER) document to ACTEA, the Visitation Team (VT) took place from 18th to 22nd September 2017. The five-member Visitation Team (VT) to FTC comprised of: Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich of ACTEA (Team Leader); Johnson Karamuzi of Kigali, Rwanda; Prof. Elizabeth Mburu of Nairobi, Kenya; Mrs. Florence Kagwamba of ACTEA, Nairobi, Kenya; and Dr. Paul Kamunge of Kijabe, Kenya. FTC is seeking full accreditation for its 2 academic programmes, namely, Diploma in Theology (DTh) and Bachelor of Theology (BTh).


The ACTEA Executive Committee and full Council meetings took place from 9th to 11th November 2017 at The St. Mary Magdalene Retreat House (Resurrection Gardens) in Karen, Nairobi, Kenya.  Here are the five highlighted resolutions of these Council proceedings:

First, Council members renewed their commitment to the growth, development and sustainability of ACTEA. On financial self-sustainability, members resolved to continue raising funds towards the purchase of office property within Nairobi city. In this regard, ACTEA continues to invite friends, well-wishers, and stakeholders to partner with her towards raising the remaining targeted funds to purchase the office building. We encourage and invite those desiring to make donations to this office project to kindly email ACTEA office by using these emails: adm.ass@acteaweb.organd copy actea.africa@gmail.com.

Second, members reviewed ACTEA strategic plan Implementation plan. Executive Director presented performance analysis of targets set for implementation within the first year of strategic plan period, that is, March to December 2017, and highlighted the targets that have been met and those yet to be implemented. Members established the Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Committee made up of the administration staff and 3 Council members representing Anglophone, Lusophone, and Francophone regions.

Third, Council members set up a Taskforce composed of, Semeon Mulatu (Chair), Emmanuel Chemengich (Secretary), Shelly Chapman, Dwight Singer and Jean-Patrick Fanga to establish online, Distance Learning Standards and revise Associate Status standards (for Universities) and propose new name, if needed. These Taskforce should submit its findings to the Executive Committee by June 2018.

Fourth, Council proposed ACTEA workshops on role of theology in church and society with goal to publish the workshop proceedings. ACTEA office to generate proposals to fund them and coordinate its implementation. And finally, the 2018 Council meetings was set to take place on 26th and 27th October 2018 in Nigeria. They will be hosted by Nigerian ACTEA member institutions under the leadership of NBTS, Ogbomoso.


If your institution has not submitted reports and applicable fees for 2017/18 year, please remember to do so as soon as possible. (Note: All ACTEA institutions with their academic year starting in January should have received their annual notices by now!!). This is one way of keeping institutions accountable to the ACTEA Standards we have mutually agreed to maintain. You can do this by, completing and sending your institution’s Annual Report and Annual applicable Fees for 2017/2018, a requirement for ACTEA institutions, and ensure that you make this report a high priority and send it to: adm.ass@acteaweb.org, with a copy to: actea.africa@gmail.com and adm.ass.actea@gmail.com.

Further, if your institution has any pending annual reports ensure that you send this Report as soon as possible.

And finally, for the institutions with debts or arrears, kindly plan to clear it soon and communicate the same or your intended action plan to ACTEA office. 

As you prepare to send your institutional payments, here are a few important guidelines to ensure successful payment transactions without problems: 

First, it is important to notify ACTEA office by email when funds are sent to assist us know the source of a fund wire transfer that appears on the bank account statement. 

Secondly, payments should be payable to, “ACTEA”.

The wire transfer details are:

Bank Name: CFC Stanbic Bank 

Account Name: AEA / ACTEA

Account Number US$ (Dollar): 0100003273557

Branch: Upper Hill Medical Centre

Swift Code: SBICKENX

Please be advised that effective 15th March 2016, Kenyan banks no longer:

  1. Accept US Dollar Cheque deposits drawn on overseas banks for clearing
  2. Issue US Dollar Drafts  


  1. Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving for Gods faithfulness and continued provision to us and our institutions.
  2.  Fundraising to purchase Office space for ACTEA 
  3. Pray for the ongoing fund-raising towards the purchase of ACTEA’s office property. Kindly inform us of any partners that may be work with us toward achieving this goal for our own office space and to rent the rest for income needed to fund ACTEA operations.
  4. Accreditation and Re-accreditation: Join us in praying for ACTEA institutions currently engaging in the process of getting their study programmes accredited or re-accredited. Pray for wisdom, renewal of strength and good health for the leadership teams involved in writing the Self Evaluation Reports (SER).
  5. Financial Stability: Pray for financial stability of our theological institutions and ACTEA organization. Many institutions are also putting up physical developments which needs to be completed on time to support various programmes. May the Lord provide resources immeasurably for the continuity of the gospel and theological education in Africa. 
  6. Peace and stability: A good number of African countries are facing political instability.  Let us all pray that the Lord grants Africa end to wars and conflicts and lasting peace.
  7. Institutional Leadership Transitions: Pray for wisdom and grace upon the new leaders of ACTEA member institutions as they assume leadership responsibilities in their respective institutions, specifically, JMU, Zambia; ISTEL, Angola; USB, DR Congo; KIST, Kenya; UMCATC, Nigeria; WATS, Nigeria; ATS, Kenya; and ETS, Kagoro, Nigeria.  


Note and pray for the success of the following upcoming and held meetings:

  • Global Associates for Transformational Education (GATE): Combined Nairobi and Ethiopia GATE: 7th -10th February 2018.
  •  International Programme for Academic Leadership (IPAL): 27thFeb-2nd March 2018.
  • The 15th International Theological Education Conference 2018 (ITEC) hosted by NBTS, Ogbomoso, Nigeria: 8th – 9th March 2018, Executive Director Emmanuel will be among the Guest Speakers.
  • Executive Director Assessment visit to 2 Nigerian institutions: Methodist Theological Institutes in Sagamu and Umuahia respectively.
  • Global Associates for Transformational Education (GATE), Nigeria: 10th- 14th March 2018.
  • Dr. Dwight Singer, ACTEA Networking Officer’s assessment visit to 1 Nigerian institution: 19th- 20th March 2018.
  • Assessment Visit to assess a programme at Africa College of Theology (ACT): April/May, 2018.

Visitation Team Events to:

a.       Shiloh Bible College Ethiopia (SBCE) scheduled for 7th-11th May 2018;

b.      Evangelical Theological College (ETC) scheduled for 15th to 19th October 2018; and

c.       Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary (EFGTS) scheduled for 5th to 9th November 2018.

  • Global Theological Initiative (GTI) sponsored by White Horse Inn and ACTEA: 19th – 21st July 2018. This is a post-doctoral forum for schools from 9 countries in East and Horn of Africa.
  • ACTEA Council Meetings: 25th – 27th October 2018 and to take place in Nigeria.
  • ICETE C-18: This Global Consultation will be held in Panama City, Panama, from 29th Oct – 2nd Nov 2018. All are encouraged to plan early to attend in order to reduce flight costs. To Register Here: Click Here . To Watch 2015 Antalya Video: Click here


If you have library news or questions, please feel free to contact David Fitz-Patrick at dfitz@bisa.org.za so that he can include them or help where possible via our ACTEA Librarians eNews.

 “When the pioneers began the operation in 1976, little did they realize that they were laying an academic and spiritual foundation not for a kiosk but for a skyscraper”- The Late Dr. Tokunboh Adeyemo @ ACTEA 10th Anniversary.