January – April 2019

Download January – April 2019 eNews here

Message from ACTEA Director

Greetings our dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord! I welcome you to take a brief journey with us of looking back at what God has accomplished through ACTEA in the first few months of 2019. In this edition of the ACTEA e-Newsletter, you will find some exciting news:

  1. Accreditation services by way of assessment visits to institutions in Ethiopia and Nigeria that are seeking validation of their programmes through ACTEA.
  2. Capacity-building workshops for leadership teams of our member institutions offered through IPAL (Nairobi, Kenya), Oversees Council International (Cape Town, South Africa), and GATE (Camp Ajebo, Nigeria). The purpose of these workshops is to enrich and rejuvenate theological education in the African continent.
  3. Installation of new ACTEA Executive Director
  4. News of the purchase and dedication of ACTEA office property in Nairobi, Kenya.

We praise God that all these activities reinforced ACTEA’s core mission, which is to offer academic accreditation of Christian theological programs through a rigorous process of quality assurance and accountability and institutional networking and support services. We could never have accomplished these engagements without your support, encouragements, and prayer. We therefore thank you for standing with ACTEA through prayer, generosity, and other support initiatives. We also thank our member institutions for their support. We exist to build and renew theological education in the African continent and we cannot do this task without the support of member institutions. Thus, we cherish our member institutions. We also say a big thank you to ACTEA Council and staff members. And finally, please join us in praying for the prayer items offered at the end of this newsletter. We also welcome you to take advantage of the various ACTEA resources that are highlighted on the ACTEA website, www.ACTEAweb.org.

God bless you as you read this e-News.

Rev. Dr. David Tarus, ACTEA Executive Director.


Evangelical Theological College, Ethiopia, was founded in March 1983 in response to the request of the Ethiopian Kale Heywot Church (EKHC) as a ministry of the IEC (International Evangelical Church) in cooperation with SIM (Society of International Ministries) under the name IEC Evening Classes. ETC’s main purpose was to meet the need for biblical, theological, and ministerial training in the many evangelical churches and fellowships in Addis Ababa. In 1988 the name was changed to the IEC Bible Institute, and the first graduation, granting a Diploma of Theology, was held. In 1991 the Bachelor of Theology programme begun and the school’s name was changed to its current name, the Evangelical Theological College. In 1994 ACTEA awarded ETC full accreditation.

Following their successful submission of the Self-evaluation (SER) document to ACTEA, the Visitation Team (VT) events took place from the evening of Sunday 17th February through the afternoon of Friday 22nd February 2019. The Six-member Visitation Team (VT) to ETC comprised of Dr. John Jusu of Overseas Council International (Team Leader); Mrs. Rose Chemegemet of KIMA International School of Theology, Kisumu, Kenya; Dr. Steve Hardy- ICETE consultant, USA; Mrs. Flo Kagwamba- ACTEA Administrator; Dr. Endale of Shiloh Bible college in Hawassa, Ethiopia and Mr. Habtamu Solomon of Ethiopia Full Gospel Theological Seminary (EFGTS).

ETC is seeking Re-accreditation for its Bachelor in Theology programme and full accreditation of its MA in Holistic Child Development and MA in Educational Leadership.


Nairobi IPAL 3 was held on 26th February – 1 st March 2019 at the Resurrection Gardens in Nairobi. IPAL is an innovative and unique service of ICETE targeting heads of institutions and academic deans. IPAL is part of a three-year training program. This third and final year workshop focused on “The role of academic leadership in the development of a teaching team” and was sponsored by ACTEA. IPAL’s Coordinator, Dr Fritz Deininger led sessions on integrated curriculum design, transformational learning, and the assessment of teaching and learning.

IPAL’s coordinator, Dr Fritz Deininger, led sessions on the development of teaching team, on the teacher’s role in theological formation and on specific responsibilities that academic leaders have in developing and leading their faculty teams. Dr Steve Hardy, an ICETE senior consultant, led sessions on the concept and a strategy for faculty development and on the role of evaluation in helping teaching teams teach better. Dr. John Jusu led the sessions on what makes it hard to be an excellent teacher in East Africa. His presentation was practical and it provoked various suggestions on how to improve the quality of teaching in African institutions. There was lots of enthusiastic interaction and participants expressed their gratefulness for the opportunity to consider these important topics together


The Institute for Excellence East and South Africa was held on 18th to 22nd March 2019. It was hosted by Cape Town Baptist Theological Seminary. This year’s Institute was on a conversation and workshop focusing on various aspects of “Extending Online Theological Education throughout Southern and Eastern Africa.” The institute sought to discover answers to important questions on Online Theological Education. Some of the questions raised during this workshop include: How does Online Education work for Theological Education? Is Online Education appropriate for Theological Education? Does it fit with and fulfill our mission as a theological school? What are the real costs of online theological education? How can we gain capacity to do Online Theological Education in Southern and Eastern Africa? Senior leadership from various schools both in East and South Africa attended. ACTEA Executive Administrator was able to attend this institute where it was an opportunity for her to connect with various institutions in these regions. It was a great time of refreshing!


The NBTS started as “a Preachers’ Training Class” by C.E. Smith, a Missionary of the Southern Baptist Convention, United States of America on May 3, 1898. The first Bachelor of Theology degrees were awarded in 1950 in affiliation to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. In 1988, the Seminary was affiliated to the Religious Studies Department of the University of Ibadan. In 2004, the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary was also affiliated to the University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria, for post-graduate programmes. The institution became a post-graduate school from August 2002 and now concentrates on post-baccalaureate and post-graduate programmes. NBTS successfully submitted their Self-evaluation (SER) document to ACTEA and the Visitation Team (VT) was able to visit the institution from 25th – 29th March 2019. The Visitation Team (VT) to NBTS comprised of 9 members as follows: Dr. Dwight Singer- ACTEA Networking officer( Team Leader); Prof. Liz Mburu – Africa Director Langham; Dr. Frew Tamrat of Evangelical Theological College, Addis Ababa; Prof. David Ngaruiya of International Leadership University, Nairobi, Kenya; Mrs. Flo Kagwamba – ACTEA Administrator; Prof. James Nkansah (Ghana) from Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya; Prof Sunday Agang of ECWA Theological Seminary Kagoro, Nigeria, and Dr. Cephas

Tushima, ECWA Education Director, Adjunct JETS, Nigeria; Dr. Peter Yuh of Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary, Ndu, Cameroon. NBTS is seeking Re-accreditation for its Diploma in Church Music, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Theology (Missiology), Bachelor of Religious Education, Bachelor of Church Music, Master of Divinity (M.Div.), M.Div.RE., M.Div.CM., M.Div. (Miss.), Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, Church Music, Theological Studies, Youth Ministry, Master of Theology, M.R.E, MCM, Master of Philosophy programme and full accreditation of its Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), Doctor of Musical Arts, Doctor of Philosophy (Theology), Doctor of Philosophy (R.E.) Programmes. The Visitation Team is currently completing that report before submitting to the Review Panel and ACTEA Executive Committee (ExCo) for final vote.


The GATE Year 2 Nigeria workshop was held on 31st March to 3 rd April 2019. The theme for Year 2 Workshop was “Teaching Methods for Transformational Education” and was hosted by the LIFE Theological College, Ikorodu at the Foursquare Camp in Ajebo. The 8 theological schools from southwestern Nigeria that participated in the workshop are: Nigeria Baptist Theological Seminary, Baptist College of Theology Lagos, LIFE Theological Seminary, West Africa Theological Seminary, Baptist College of Theology – Oyo, Baptist Theological Seminary- Eku, and Africa Centre for Theological Studies. The workshop was facilitated by GATE associates Gary Griffith, David Ngaruiya, and Frew Tamrat


ACTEA conducted Affiliate status accreditation visits at two institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria, in the riverine region of Ogoniland from 1 st through 4th April. The two institutions are in close proximity to permit faculty exchange but are sponsored by different ecclesiastical groups and serve diverse communities. The Apostolic Maritime Territory Church sponsors The Apostolic Theological Seminary (TATS) headed by Rector Apostle Charles Achonwa, and the Greater Evangelism World Crusade sponsors the Geoffrey Dabibi Numbere Bible College (formerly, Kum-Ran Bible College) headed by Provost Pastor (Mrs) Abigail Tanu. Both institutions are enthused about gaining ACTEA accreditation for their post-secondary programmes.

ACTEA appreciates the gracious and collaborative hospitality of the institutions during the visitation exercise and anticipates working together with both institutions for the achievement of their respective God-given missions. TATS seeks accreditation for its Diploma in Theology, which it has offered since 1978, while GDNBC seeks accreditation for both its Diploma in Theology, offered since 1974, and its Bachelor of Theology, offered since 2005.


12th April 2019 was a day of double rejoicing and thanksgiving for ACTEA! On this day, we installed ACTEA’s new Executive Director, Rev Dr David Tarus. On the same day, we dedicated the new office property ACTEA purchased in the AEA new building in Nairobi, known as the AEA PLAZA. But sadly on the same day, we said official farewell to The Right Reverend Dr Emmanuel Chemengich.

Bishop Emmanuel joined ACTEA at a very critical time in its history. But he came with a determination and commitment to see ACTEA revitalized and theological education across Africa strengthened. He served ACTEA’s constituency faithfully and contributed to laying a stronger foundation for ACTEA’s organizational growth, development and sustainability. During his tenure, ACTEA’s membership has grown exponentially and he leaves ACTEA in a much surer place than it was when he joined it as its Executive Director.

ACTEA is immensely grateful to him for his dedicated service from 2013-2018. We wish him all the best! The ACTEA baton is now passed to Rev Dr David Tarus. Dr Tarus is a Kenyan citizen, educated at Scott Christian University in Kenya (BTh), Wheaton College in USA (MA, Theology) and McMaster Divinity College in Canada (PhD, Christian Theology). He assumed his role as the Executive Director of ACTEA on 15 April 2019. As in all new roles, there is a lot to learn for Dr Tarus, but he comes with youth and vigor. We welcome him with hope that he would bring a renewed focus to fulfil ACTEA’s vision to become an effective standardizing, coordinating, and convening body for theological institutions and departments in Africa. He needs our prayers. He may be contacted on: actea.africa@gmail.com.

Finally, ACTEA has now acquired an office property! In 2014, the AEA Board invited ACTEA to participate in their building project towards ownership of one floor. ACTEA accepted the invitation, because it regarded such participation as a unique opportunity to ensure ACTEA’s long- term sustainability, stability, and strength. ACTEA has now moved closer towards realizing its vision, as it owns 5082 square feet on the 6th floor of the AEA Plaza. Although ACTEA is yet to pay more than 50% of the total cost and needs to raise funds for that, we are currently rejoicing and giving thanks to God. With St Paul, we say: ‘Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen’ (Eph 3:20-21). You are welcome to continue giving. Please contact Dr. Tarus on actea.africa@gmail.com and make your pledge.


If your institution has not submitted reports and applicable fees for year 2018/2019 kindly remember to do so as soon as possible. (Note: All ACTEA institutions with their academic year running January – December should have received their annual notices by now). An annual report is one way of keeping institutions accountable to the ACTEA Standards as mutually agreed in our partnership.

This is accomplished by completing and submitting your institution’s Annual Report and applicable Annual Fees to: adm.ass@acteaweb.org, with a copy to: actea.africa@gmail.com and adm.ass.actea@gmail.com. Further, if your institution has any pending annual reports ensure that you send this Report as soon as possible. Finally, for those institutions with arrears, kindly plan to clear it soon and communicate the same or your intended action plan to ACTEA office.

As you prepare to send your institutional payments, here are a few important guidelines to ensure successful payment transactions without problems: First, it is important to notify ACTEA office by email when funds are sent to assist us know the source of any fund wire transfer that appears in the bank account statement.

Secondly, cheque payments should be payable to, “ACTEA”.

The wire transfer details are:

Bank Name: I& M Bank

Account Name: Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA)

Account Number US$ (Dollar): 00801801891510

Branch: Karen

Swift Code: IMBLKENA

Please be advised that effective 15th March 2016, Kenyan banks no longer accept USD Cheques deposits drawn on overseas banks for clearing.


  • Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness and provisions to us and our institutions. We thank God for the successful transition of leadership.
  • Accreditation and Re-accreditation: Join us in praying for ACTEA institutions currently engaged in the process of getting their study programmes accredited or re-accredited. Pray for wisdom, renewal of strength, and good health for the leadership teams involved in writing the institutions’ Self Evaluation Reports (SER).
  • Financial Stability: Pray for financial stability of our theological institutions and ACTEA organization. Many institutions are also putting up new buildings which need to be completed on time to support various programmes. Pray that the Lord provides adequate resources for the continuity of the gospel and theological education in Africa.
  • Peace and Stability: In the face of a good number of African countries facing political instability, let us all pray that the Lord grants Africa peace and an end to wars and conflicts. May we be instruments of peace in Africa and let us continue to love each other as Christ has loved us and maintain peace with each other.
  • Fundraising to pay off the debt of the already acquired office space for ACTEA at the AEA Plaza, Nairobi. Kindly join us in praying for God’s provision towards raising at least 57,000 USD to pay off the debt and to partition the office space. The extra office space will be rented out for income to facilitate organizational operations at ACTEA. Kindly inform us of any partners that may partner with us toward achieving this goal. You are also invited to give.


Note and pray for the success of the following upcoming, planned events:

❖ ACTEA Council Meeting: This annual gathering of the highest governing organ of ACTEA will be held in Lubango, Angola from 23rd to 26th October 2019.


If you have library news or questions, please feel free to contact David Fitz- Patrick at dfitz@bisa.org.za. He can include them or help where possible via our ACTEA Librarians e-News. Kindly, do not hesitate to contact us if you have queries on how ACTEA can enhance your library resources.

“When the pioneers began the operation in 1976, little did they realize that they were laying an academic and spiritual foundation not for a kiosk but for a skyscraper”- The Late Dr. Tokunboh Adeyemo @ ACTEA 10th Anniversary.