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How did ACTEA get started?

ACTEA was founded in response to the dream of Dr Byang Kato, the first African General Secretary of AEA (The Association of Evangelicals in Africa), who saw an urgent need for an association for evangelical theological schools in Africa, which could assist them in areas of common need. The groundwork for the new body was laid at a major gathering of theological educators which Dr Kato convened in Nairobi in November 1975. 


In March 1976, the AEA Executive Committee formally constituted the new project under the AEA’s Theological and Christian Education Commission (TCEC). A Council was appointed to initiate and administer the programme, and Dr Paul Bowers, a senior lecturer with ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria, was asked to serve as the first coordinator. Since then, ACTEA has served theological institutions in Africa through accreditation, networking, and support services.