Home Candidate Institutions

Candidate Institutions

African College of Theology (ACT)

Address: P. O. Box: 3315 Kigali, Rwanda

Location: Kigali, Rwanda

Chancellor:  Rev. Dr. Charles B. Mugisha, charles@africanewlife.org

Director:  Johnson Karamuzi, Johnson@africanewlife.org

Interim Principal: Manase Ogola, manase.ogola@actrwanda.org

Website:  www.actrwanda.org/

Programmes to be Accredited:

Certificate in Christian Ministries, Diploma in Bible and Theology,

• Bachelor of Arts in Theology & Christian Leadership (BACTL) 

• Modular Post Graduate Diploma in Theology and Leadership (PGDTL)


Baptist College of Theology- Lagos (BCT-L)

Address: P. O. Box 4054 Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria.

Location: Baptist Close, Off Nureni Street, Isolo, Lagos.

Rector:  Prof. Emmanuel Oyemomi, emmanoyemomi@gmail.com

Registrar:  Rev Ajibade Adeniran, bctlagosregistrar@gmail.com

Telephone Numbers: +238-01-8754441

Website:  https://bctl.edu.ng/

Programmes to be Accredited:

Diploma in Theology, Diploma in Religious Education,

• Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Religious Education


Baptist Theological Seminary of Zambia (BTSZ)

Address: PO Box 320034, Woodlands, Lusaka, Zambia

Location: Lusaka, Zambia

Principal:  Dr. Rodney Masona, +260 968 668 605

Academic Dean:  Dr. Scott MacDonald

Business Manager:  Rev. Misheck Zulu

Inquiries:  baptsem@zamnet.zm

WhatsApp (Office):  +260 966 639 625

Programmes to be Accredited:

Diploma of Theology,

• Bachelor of Theology


Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS)

Address: P.O. Box 44, Ndu,

Location: North West Region, Republic of Cameroon

Provost:  Rev Dr. Nseimboh Johnson Nyiangoh

Tel.: 237 77500727

Email: cbtspresident@gmail.com

Website:  www.cbtsn.org/

Programmes to be Accredited:

Diploma of Theology,

• Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies,

• Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Theology


Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary (EFGTS)

Address: PO Box 8907, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Head:  Gille Wakjira, gille4missiodei@gmail.com

Programme to be Accredited:

Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology


Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangélica no Lubango (ISTEL)

Address: C.P 523

Location: Rua de Mapunda, Lubango, Huila Angola

Principal:  Rev. Alberto Alberto, otchakol@hotmail.com

Academic Dean:  Eunice Chiquete, nalamelechiquete@gmail.com

Registrar:  Hermenegildo Gervásio, pmonene@hotmail.com

FB:   www.facebook.com/people/Instituto-Superior-De-Teologia-Evangelica-No-Lubango/100063270065534/


Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary (LBTS)

Address: P.O. Box 3033, Monrovia, Liberia

Location: Paynsville, Liberia

President:  Dr. Momolu A. Massaquoi, drmomolumassaquoi@gmail.com

Email: richard.f.wilson@gmail.com

Academic Dean:  Rev. Alexander J. Brooks, askrevbrooks@gmail.com

FB:  www.facebook.com/people/Liberia-Baptist-Theological-Seminary/100066727087520/

Programmes to be Accredited:

Bachelor of Arts in Theology


Maserete Kristos College

Address: PO Box 101488, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Location: Addis Ababa

President:  Rev. Gishu Jebecha, gishuj@yahoo.com

Academic Dean:  Dr. Emebet, emebet601401@gmail.com

Registrar:  Elshaday Leulseged, eleulseged5@gmail.com

Programmes to be Accredited:

Diploma in Bible and Christian Ministry (English), Diploma in Bible and Christian Ministry (Amharic)

• Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Christian Ministry


Wolaita Evangelical Seminary (WES)

Address: P.O. Box 358, Wolaita, Ethiopia.

Location: Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia.

Principal: Eyob Denio Gifato, eyobgifato@gmail.com

Telephone Numbers: +251-46-180-0001

Inquiry: weswkhc2014@gmail.com

Programmes to be Accredited:

Diploma of Ministry

• Bachelor of Ministry