Home Accredited Institutions 2022/2023

Accredited Institutions 2022/2023

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This Report should cover the last completed academic year. State the dates for beginning and end of the academic year being reported

Were there any change during the report year in major governing documents, sponsorship, official objectives, chairmanship of the governing board, or senior administrative posts?

Report any change during the report year in major governing documents, sponsorship, official objectives, chairmanship of the governing board, or senior administrative posts. Explain as appropriate


Provide a condensed financial summary of the last completed financial year, using approximate US dollar equivalents throughout. Show both proposed [budgeted] and actual income and expenditure. Use the following headings (which you may adjust if necessary). Income: student fees, other income from within Africa, income from overseas, total. Expenditure: staff salaries, operational expenditures, capital expenditures, other, total. (If ‘staff salaries’ includes expatriate support, say so.) You may use estimated and unaudited figures in your response. Showing figures and calculation, state the percentage of total operating expenditures that was funded by locally derived income. Exclude from your calculations: capital income and expenditures and (if you wish) salaries of non-African staff which the institution does not pay.


For the last external audit that was completed, state when the audit was completed, by whom, the beginning and ending dates of the financial year audited, and if results were entirely positive. If no external audit was completed during the year under review, provide explanation.

Were the results entirely positive?


Report all changes in regular teaching staff during the academic year being reported. For each new staff (including part-time and adjunct), provide full academic data (including all post-secondary credentials with name of credential, year of award, and granting institution). For departing staff, state official reason for departure.

Report percent of Africans in regular teaching staff during the year being reported.

Give a condensed report (one paragraph) on all activities or efforts concerned with staff development during the year being reported (relative to ACTEA Standard 2g.), by providing activities, names of staff involved, and dates.


Report percent of Africans in regular teaching staff during the year being reported.

Report any significant major changes in site, layout, structures, and furnishings of the institution (such as a new building) during the year being reported.


(a) The number of volumes in the regular library collection at the end of the report year; (b) The number of volumes accessioned during the report year; (c) The number of periodical titles regularly received in the report year; (d) The number of books relating to Africa in the regular collection (also state this as a percentage of the total books in the regular collection) at the end of the report year; (e) Amount in US dollar equivalent spent for acquisitions (books and periodicals) to the regular library collection in the report year (also state this as a percentage of total operational expenditures of the institution); (f) Amount which should have been spent during the report year according to ACTEA Standard 3c [a copy of the library funding formula is enclosed]. Show your calculations.

Give a condensed report (one paragraph) on all activities or efforts during the report year concerned with review of the institutional objectives, curricular programme, or graduate achievement, together with resulting adjustments planned or implements (in relation to ACTEA Standards 1a, 1d, 4e, 4h). Institutions accredited only at secondary level may respond respecting Standards 4d, 4f only.

Report any major changes during the year being reported in the accredited educational programme(s) including curriculum, programme length, and credential.

Report all educational programmes added or discontinued in the report year, whether accredited or non-accredited. Briefly describe any new educational programme which is being contemplated or planned for.

For the year being covered by this Report, state the number of students in each ACTEA accredited and non-accredited educational programme respectively. (For part-time students you may calculate a “full-time equivalency” provided you explain how the equivalency is being calculated.)

State whether every admission in the report year to an accredited programme has conformed entirely to ACTEA requirements for entrance standards. For programmes accredited at the first degree and post-graduate levels, list by name every student admitted during the year being covered in this Report (including by transfer and/or with advanced standing), with the academic basis for that admission, and explanations where appropriate. Identify all mature entry admissions.

Report any known deviation from ACTEA standards in the report year, with explanation.

Report any additional information of major significance for understanding the present situation of the institution over the report year, including any major decision affecting the future.

If there is an annual Principal’s Report, please enclose it. (If you submit such a document, you may where appropriate answer questions in the Report merely by cross-referencing to that document.) Also enclose any important publications issued in the report year about the institution, such as a promotional brochure, academic catalogue or prospectus.

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