Home Associate Status Application form

Associate Status Application form

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Application statement for first-time applicants for full accreditation, should read as follows: “We wish to apply to ACTEA for Associate Accreditation. This is a first time/renewal [delete one] request. We do hereby attach the Self-Evaluation Report (SER) which we have compiled based on the ACTEA Guide to Institutional Self-Evaluation for Associate Status accreditation. We do confirm that we are ready to host the Visitation Team soon after the SER is approved. We continue to affirm our commitment to identify this institution with ACTEA in its goals and programmes for the enhancement of evangelical theological education in Africa, and to prompt and cooperative response to all inquiries and questionnaires from ACTEA. In signing this application, we are formally affirming that the doctrinal position to which this institution is in full conformity with historic evangelical orthodoxy, as represented, for example, in the AEA doctrinal statement.”

This Self-Evaluation Report (SER) must be produced based on the ACTEA Standards and the "ACTEA Guide to Institutional Self-Evaluation" and completed in the third year in the Candidacy Status period (one year before expiry of Candidacy).