January – April 2018

Download January – April 2018 eNews here

Message from ACTEA Director

Greetings to you, our esteemed reader! I welcome you, our esteemed reader, to join us in the brief journey of looking back to the exciting activities God enabled us to engage in during the first four months of the year 2018!

In this edition of the ACTEA e-Newsletter in an overview of three sets of organizational activities which have contributed tremendously in fulfilling ACTEA’s mission to promote quality theological education:

  1. Capacity-building workshops for leadership teams of our member institutions through IPAL and faculty members through GATE workshops.
  2. Accreditation Services by way of assessment visits to 7 new institutions in Nigeria, Rwanda, and Uganda, seeking validation of their programmes with ACTEA. We also celebrate 2 member-institutions, one for successful reaccreditation and another for achieving full accreditation.
  3. Partnership and networking services with ACTEA staff engaging in activities with partner institutions and organizations including, International Theological Education Conference sponsored by one key ACTEA member institution and AIM Regional Theological Education Conference.

We praise the Lord Jesus that these activities have reinforced our three-fold mission pillars of accreditation, capacity-building, and networking services. We could never have accomplished these engagements without the support, encouragements and cooperation of our external and internal funding and prayer partners – in the West, among our member institutions, and the ACTEA Council and staff members! To all these stakeholders, we say a big thank you and reaffirm our commitment to continue partnering together in building Christ’s kingdom through theological education services entrusted to us.

And finally, join us in praying for the items listed on the last page as we trust God together to use these planned activities to accomplish His purposes through ACTEA and our member institutions in transforming Africa to His glory!


Hearty congratulations to Mekane Yesus Seminary (MYS), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for successful re-accreditation, and to Kima International School of Theology (KIST), Kima, Vihiga County, Kenya, on attaining full accreditation. Both institutions successfully completed the rigorous and demanding but rewarding self-evaluation processes and hosted the five-member Visitation Team events.

MYS received its re-accreditation on 30th Nov 2017 for its two post-secondary programmes, Bachelor of Theology (BTh) and Bachelor of Theology with Concentration in Christian-Muslim Relations (BTh-CMR), and two post-graduate programmes, Masters of Arts in Practical Theology and Master of Arts in Systematic Theology. KIST attained this accreditation on 11th January 2018 for one programme, the Diploma in Bible and Theology.

The ACTEA family congratulates the MYS and KIST fraternities on successful re-accreditations and full accreditation with ACTEA respectively, for the programmes applied and evaluated during the Visitation Team exercises.


1. February 7-10, 2018 – Combined Ethiopia and Kenya GATE workshop Nairobi, , Kenya

The GATE Year 4 workshop on, “Developing Curriculum for Transformational Education” was held on 7 th to 10th February 2018 at the Resurrection Gardens in Nairobi, Kenya, with 12 schools that previously participated in the GATE Year 1-3 workshops in Ethiopia and Kenya joining together for a combined concluding workshop. This was facilitated by GATE Associates, John Jusu and Gary Griffith, together with 9 GATE Fellows from Ethiopia and Kenya.. The combined group of 41 participants included 22 from Ethiopia and 19 from Kenya. The 9 Ethiopian theological schools were represented were: Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary, Meserete Kristos College, Evangelical Theological College, Ethiopian Kale Heywet Theological College, Wolaita Evangelical Seminary, Pentecostal Theological College, and Berhane Wongel Theological College. There was 1 participant each representing the Association of Evangelical Theological Institutions in Ethiopia and Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology. The 3 theological schools from Kenya were: Pentecostal Bible College, Karen Christian College, and Reformed Institute of Theological Training. This workshop concluded the four-year cycle of GATE workshops for these participants and also concluded the training of 9 ‘GATE Fellows’ who at the conclusion of the workshop received certificates acknowledging them as ‘GATE Associates’. These are 4 from Ethiopia: Frew Tamrat, Seblewongel Asrat, Alemseged Ketema, and Gishu Jebecha, and 5 from Kenya: Emmanuel Chemengich, David Ngaruiya, Alfred Rutto, Robert Chemegemet, and Margaret Odari.

2. March 11-14, 2018 – Ogbomoso, Nigeria

The first cycle of GATE Workshops to be held in West Africa took place from 11th to 14th March 2018. The theme for Year 1 Workshop was, “Theological and philosophical Foundations for Transformational Education” and was hosted by the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary at its campus facilities in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. The 6 theological schools from southwestern Nigeria that participated in the workshop are: Nigeria Baptist Theological Seminary, Baptist College of Theology Lagos, LIFE Theological Seminary, ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja, West Africa Theological Seminary, and UMCA Theological College. The workshop was facilitated by GATE Associates John Jusu, Emmanuel Chemengich, and Gary Griffith.


Nairobi IPAL 2 was held on 27th February – 2 nd March 2018 at the Resurrection Gardens in Nairobi. IPAL is an innovative and unique service of ICETE targeting heads of institutions and academic deans. IPAL is part of a three-year training program. This second year workshop focused on “the role of academic leaders in shaping a contextualized curriculum “and was sponsored by ACTEA. IPAL’s Coordinator, Dr Fritz Deininger, led sessions on integrated curriculum design, transformational learning and the assessment of teaching and learning. Dr Steve Hardy, an ICETE senior consultant, led sessions on steps to curriculum design, learning communities, and hidden curriculum. Dr. Rosemary Mbogo from Africa International University in Nairobi offered a seminar on designing culturally relevant curriculum. Prof Benjamin Musyoka of International Leadership University led a session on the role of academic leadership in teaching and learning, and ACTEA’s Executive Director, Emmanuel Chemengich, walked participants through the process of designing their curricula in view of ACTEA’s standards. Participants agreed that it was a stimulating and valuable time. The third IPAL workshop is tentatively scheduled in Nairobi at the end of February 2019. There were 23 participants from 11 Kenyan theological schools and 1 participant from Rwandan institution.


The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary (NBTS) hosted the 15th edition of International Theological Education Conference (ITEC) at its Ogbomoso campus from March 6 th – 8 th March 2018. The conference theme was, “The Development of Theological in Africa: History, Challenges and Prospects”. The conference brought together scholars from the theological institutions and universities from Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroun, among other countries all over the world to deliberate on crucial issues of theological education. The conference was also part of line up in marking the 120 years anniversary of NBTS. Among the major Guest Speakers were, ACTEA’s Executive Director, , Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich from Kenya; University Don, Rev. Prof. Deji Ayegbonyi; Director of Vital Sustainability Initiative USA, Dr. Evans Hunter; and the Rector of Crowther Graduate Theological Seminary, Abeokuta. Prof. Andrew Igenoza



Methodist Theological Institute, Sagamu (MTIS),was established in 1951 as a Training Institute for the laymen workers for the Church. Today, the Institute has grown into theological college training ministers for the Church. MTIS applied for the Affiliate Status, the first stage of accreditation, on 19th October 2017, and ACTEA Executive Director Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich, conducted the assessment visit from 7th to 8 th March 2018. MTIS is seeking validation for the following academic programmes: Bachelor of Theology (B.Th), Post Graduate Diploma in Ministry (PGDM) , Masters of Divinity (M.Div), Masters of Theology (M.Th).


Methodist Theological Institute, Umuahia (MTIU) was originally established in 1956 as District Bible School for the development of the middle manpower need of the church like the catechists. In 1964 MTIU intensified lay training for various arms within the church which included Domestic and Leadership Programmes for women preparing for family life. In 1979, the Institute became a full theological College for training minters. MTIU applied for the Affiliate Status on 10th November 2017 and ACTEA Executive Director Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich conducted the assessment visit on 9th and 10th March 2018. MTIU is seeking validation for the following academic programmes: Bachelor of Theology (B.Th) and Masters of Theology (M.Th).


BCT, Oyo (BCTO) was founded in 1977 as Joint Baptist Pastor School. It was established to meet the need for pastors in the churches in the Western part of Nigeria. The name of the institution was changed to “Baptist College of Theology, Oyo” when she became a degree awarding institution. BCTO applied for the Affiliate Status on 2 nd March 2018 and Rev. Dr. Dwight Singer, ACTEA Networking Officer, conducted the assessment visit from 19th to 20th March 2018. BCT, Oyo, is seeking validation for the following academic programmes:


University of World Mission Frontiers (UWMF) was established in March 2012 at Nsangi, Kampala, Uganda, by Dr. Paul Kim, the founder of Christian Life World Mission Frontiers (CLWMF). It began as a church-based training Centre, but turned into University in 2013. The Kampala institute is the main campus coordinating other campuses in Rwanda, Tanzania, and DR Congo. UWMF applied for the Affiliate Status on 22nd January 2018 and ACTEA Executive Director, Dr. Emmanuel Chemengich, conducted the assessment visit from 22nd to 24th April 2018 for its Kampala, Uganda and Kigali, Rwanda Campuses. UWMF is seeking accreditation for the following programmes: Diploma in Theology, Bachelor of Arts in Theology, and Masters in Divinity.


Africa College of Theology in Kigali, Rwanda is an Affiliate member institution of ACTEA since 2015. ACTEA has accredited ACT’s Certificate in Christian Ministries and Diploma in Bible and Theology Programmes. ACTS applied for ACTEA to validate its Bachelor of Art in Theology, and ACTEA Executive Director conducted the visit from 24th to 26th April.


St. Paul’s Theological College (SPTC) in Kapsabet, Kenya, was established by the Bible Church Missionary Society (BCMS) in 1963 to train ministers for the Anglican Church in the Rift Valley region. In 1976, the name changed to St. Paul’s School of Divinity which was further changed to the current name in 1993. SPTC applied for ACTEA to validate its Certificate in Theology and Diploma in Theology programmes at Affiliate level, and ACTEA representatives, Rev Dr Shelley Chapman and Rev Alfred Ruto conducted the assessment visit on 29 th and 30th January 2018.


staff attended and presented at the Africa Inland Mission (AIM) Theological Education Conference for East Africa region held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 23rd to 26th April 2018. The presentation on ACTEA services to the gathered heads of institutions from the Africa Inland Church’s Bible colleges and theological institutions was well received and helped build new publicity and networks for ACTEA.


If your institution has not submitted reports and applicable fees for year 2016/2017 and 2017/18, kindly remember to do so as soon as possible. (Note: All ACTEA institutions should have received their annual notices by now!!). Annual reports is one way of keeping institutions accountable to the ACTEA Standards as mutually agreed in our partnership. This is accomplished by by, completing and submitting your institution’s Annual Report and applicable Annual Fees to: adm.ass@acteaweb.org, with a copy to: actea.africa@gmail.com and adm.ass.actea@gmail.com. Further, if your institution has any pending annual reports ensure that you send this Report as soon as possible. Finally, for those institutions with arrears, kindly plan to clear it soon and communicate the same or your intended action plan to ACTEA office. As you prepare to send your institutional payments, here are a few important guidelines to ensure successful payment transactions without problems: First, it is important to notify ACTEA office by email when funds are sent to assist us know the source of any fund wire transfer that appears in the bank account statement. Secondly, cheque payments should be payable to, “ACTEA”.

The wire transfer details are:

Bank Name: CFC Stanbic

Bank Account Name: AEA / ACTEA Account

Number US$ (Dollar): 0100003273557

Branch: Upper Hill Medical Centre

Swift Code: SBICKENX

Please be advised that effective 15th March 2016, Kenyan banks no longer:

1. Accept USD. Cheque deposits drawn on overseas banks for clearing

2. Issue US Dollar Drafts


  • Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness and provisions to us and our institutions.
  • Fundraising to purchase Office space for ACTEA Pray for the ongoing fund-raising towards the purchase of new office space. The extra office space will be rented out for income to facilitate organizational operations. Kindly inform us of any partners that may partner with us toward achieving this goal
  • Accreditation and Re-accreditation: Join us in praying for ACTEA institutions currently engaged in the process of getting their study programmes accredited or reaccredited. Pray for wisdom, renewal of strength and good health for the leadership teams involved in writing the institutions’ Self Evaluation Reports (SER).
  • Financial Stability: Pray for financial stability of our theological institutions and ACTEA organization. Many institutions are also putting up new buildings which needs to be completed on time to support various programmes. Pray for the Lord to provide adequate resources for the continuity of the gospel and theological education in Africa.
  • Peace and Stability: In the face of a good number of African countries facing political instability, let us all pray that the Lord grants Africa peace and an end to wars and conflicts. May we be instruments of peace in Africa and let us continue to love each other as Christ has loved us and maintain peace with each other.


TRIPS Note and pray for the success of the following upcoming, planned events:

  • Visitation Team Events to: Shiloh Bible College Ethiopia (SBCE) scheduled 7th-11th May 2018.
  • Global Theological Initiative (GTI) sponsored by White Horse Inn and ACTEA: This is a post-doctoral forum for schools from 9 countries in East and Horn of Africa is scheduled from 19th to 21stJuly 2018.
  • Scheduled One-Week Visitation Team (VT) events:

(i) From 15th to 20th October to, Ethiopian Theological College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

(ii)  From 5th to 9th November to, Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

(iii) From 12th -16th November to, African Christian College, Manzini, Swaziland.

  • ACTEA Council Meeting:  This annual gathering of the highest governing organ of ACTEA will be held in Ogbomosho, Nigeria from 25th to 28th October 2018.
  • ICETE Global Consultation, C-18: ICETE’s Global Consultation event will take place in Panama City, Panama, from 29th Oct – 2nd Nov 2018. All are encouraged to plan early to register and attend in order to benefit from reduced flight costs.


If you have library news or questions, please feel free to contact David FitzPatrick at dfitz@bisa.org.za. He can include them or help where possible via our ACTEA Librarians eNews.

“When the pioneers began the operation in 1976, little did they realize that they were laying an academic and spiritual foundation not for a kiosk but for a skyscraper”- The Late Dr. Tokunboh Adeyemo @ ACTEA 10th Anniversary