It is with great joy that we share the good news of the Candidacy status for accreditation awarded to both African Christian College (ACC) and Friends Theological College (FTC). The institutional assessments for ACC and FTC were done on 18th November, 2014 and 17th October, 2015 respectively.

African Christian College, located in Manzini, Swaziland, was awarded Candidacy Status for the Bachelor in Theology Programme, while Friends Theological College, located in Kaimosi, Kenya, was awarded Candidacy for two study Programmes: Bachelor of Theology and School-Based Diploma in Theology.  The approval and recommendation was done by the anonymous ACTEA Review Panel overseeing these accreditation processes.

The Candidacy Status for both takes effect from 1st March 2015 and is valid for a duration of four years.  During this four-year period, both ACC and FTC are expected to complete their institutional self-evaluation and submit a Self-Evaluation Report (SER) to ACTEA as the basis for assessment of their educational Programmes for full accreditation. For this reason, it is vital for ACC and FTC administrations and faculties to begin familiarizing with the procedures and process of putting together the SER document. We now invite all our ACTEA stakeholders to join us in congratulating the entire ACC and FTC communities and to also

Encourage them as they embark on the journey of putting together their institutional Self Evaluation Report (SER) and the remaining process toward their successful attainment of ACTEA’s full accreditation status. It is our prayer that ACC and FTC will continue to be inspired by this new status as they continue in pursuit of quality and excellence in general administrative operations, academic excellence, and spiritual formation for all stakeholders of their community.  Congratulations to ACC and FTC, and to God be the glory!


Rooted in the Word, Engaged in the World was the theme of the ICETE 2012 International Consultation for Theological Educators held in Nairobi, Kenya. But though rooted and engaged, how do we know that we are effective in what we do? Is it possible to measure the impact of theological education on Church and Society? That will be the focus of ICETE’s 2015 Consultation.

It is our pleasure to invite you to this vital consultation which is scheduled to take place 6th – 11th November 2015 in Antalya, Turkey. The theme for ICETE 2015 is: “Engaged and Effective – The Impact of Theological Education”.

 All of the rates are discounted by 10%, if the registration and payment are completed by 30 April, and are as follows:

The good news is that, while other regions of the world have restrictions, there is no limit on the number of ACTEA participants invited to the Turkey Consultation!

For this reasons, we would love to have as many ACTEA members as possible attend! All ACTEA members are qualified for the ICETE member discount, since all would be from Majority World countries. So the rates would be $450 for a double or $650 for a single. But these rates will be discounted until 30 April to: $405 for a double and $585 for a single.

  • Please note that these costs do include lodging for the length of the consultation, as well as all meals, beginning with dinner on the 6th and ending with lunch on the 11th November 2015.
  • Please follow this link to register www.regonline.com/icetetriennialc15
  • For more information or questions you may have, please feel free to get in touch with Mrs. Stefanii Ferenczi –sferenczi@icete-edu.org or Mrs. Florence Kagwamba- adm.ass@acteaweb.org. We do look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Antalya in a few months!


The General Assembly (GA) is a quadrennial event that brings together Evangelical leaders from every country in Africa and has a focus on the state and direction of the evangelical church in Africa. Thus, issues highlighted during the GA catch the attention of church leaders and inform resolutions and working agenda for the next four years. Many ministries, with Africa-wide focus, see this as an opportunity to share the platform and share their particular vision, network and build relationships with national and regional alliances.

The General Assembly also brings together AEA National Alliances, Associate Members, Friends & Partners of AEA and a diverse community of Christian leaders from around the world. It presents an opportunity to create a platform in which Christians can discuss matters of common concern for the Church in Africa. It will also provide opportunities to network, meet with partners and stakeholders from various organizations, learn and fellowship with the local Church in Zimbabwe.

The Theme of the GA is ‘Lordship of Christ in all Things’. The theme intends to bring to the front stage of evangelical dialogue the effects of dualism, globalization, and relativism of Christian life, public witness, and discipleship by showing how we should work as an Association to address this malaise with transformative impact in our lives as Christians and in our nations.

Programme includes:

  • Bible Expositions
  • Plenary Presentations and Workshops on: family and children, church and business, church and media, gender issues, church and conflict, persecution and other faith and theology and mission.
  •  G.A. Official Business sessions: reports, strategy and direction of AEA, election of AEA Executive Board, New members, Resolutions etc.

(*All can benefit from the entire Programme of the GA and non-official representatives sit in at the business sessions to observe. In any case, official business is a small portion of the GA- focused on mission and edification of the Church.)

The AEA General Assembly is taking place at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe, from the 27th of June, 2015 to the 2nd of July, 2015. 

 Register Now at www.aeafrica.org and join Christians, from over 50 countries across the globe; discuss, debate, and vote on issues vital to the Church in Africa. 


Once again it’s that time of the year for the institutions that begin their academic year in January to submit their reports and applicable fees. (Note: All these institutions should have received their annual notices by now!!). This is one way of keeping institutions accountable to the ACTEA Standards we have mutually agreed to maintain. Please complete and send your institution’s Annual Report for 2014, a requirement for ACTEA institutions, and ensure that you make this report a high priority and send it to: adm.ass@acteaweb.org, with a copy to: actea.africa@gmail.com and adm.ass.actea@gmail.com. If your institution has a pending annual report ensure that you send this Report as soon as possible

For the institution with debts arrears kindly plan to clear as soon as possible. As you prepare to send your institutional payments, here are a few important guidelines to ensure successful payment transactions without problems:

First, it is important to notify ACTEA office by email when funds are sent because it can be difficult to tell the source of a fund wire transfer that appears on the bank account statement

Secondly, you can make payments by cheque or wire transfer, payable to, “ACTEA”.  Bank deposits, or Wire transfers, should be made to the following ACTEA bank account details in Kenya:

The wire transfer details are:

Bank Name: CFC Stanbic Bank 

Account Name: AEA / ACTEA

Account Number US$ (Dollar): 0100003273557

Branch: Upper Hill Medical Centre

Swift Code: SBICKENX

Cheques can be mailed to: ACTEA Executive Director; P.O. Box 49332-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.

If by delivery courier services use the following Physical address:

ACTEA Executive Director, AEA Building, Valley Road, Tel.: (254) 020-272-2769/ 0721571549.

And thirdly, please note that the 10 % discount on the annual fees expired on 7th March 2015. Do also note that, if your institution does not make the payments by 6th April 2015 (end of 60 days) as per the constitution, we will add a 50% surcharge on the annual fees.


Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving for Gods faithfulness to us and our institutions.

Transitions: Many institutions are in transition from Colleges/Seminaries to fully fledged universities. Let us pray that as they plan carefully through this process, the Lord will grant them favor, grace, and strength they need in this journey. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for all leadership members involved in the decision-making process and implementation. Let us also pray that these institutions maintain strong theological Programmes as they widen their course offerings.

Curriculum Revision: For the institutions that are revising their Curricula, let us pray that even as they do their research and put the new curriculum framework together, that the Lord will guide them and grant them wisdom on what needs to be contained in the new curriculum.

Accreditation and Re-accreditation: Let us pray for the ACTEA institutions currently engaging in the process of getting their Programmes accredited or re-accredited. We pray for wisdom, renewal of strength and good health of the leadership involved in writing the Self Evaluation Reports (SER).

Financial Stability: Let us pray for financial stability of our theological institutions. Many institutions are also putting up physical structures which need to be completed on time to support various Programmes. May the Lord provide resources immeasurably for the continuity of the gospel and theological education in Africa.

Peace: A good number of African countries are not politically stable.  We pray that the Lord will give Africa peace and an end to wars and conflicts. May we be instruments of peace in Africa, and let us continue to love each other as Christ has loved us and maintain peace among each other.


We do appreciate your continued prayers for our institutions that have been seriously affected by the outbreak of Ebola. These institutions have been going through difficult financial challenges as a result of the Ebola scourge in their countries, which have led to closure of these institutions for several months.  As is evident, the closures have affected their budgets due to lack of fees (tuition) to take care of staff salaries and other operational costs. Other related financial challenges include:

–          Some students have lost their loved ones and those supporting their education.

–          Many students who personally support their studies have experienced job loss and now find it difficult to pay their fees/tuition.

–          Proprietor bodies have not been able to pay their annual grants, as they are experiencing financial challenges as well.

For those willing to support LBTS and TECT, either financially or through students scholarships, you can get in touch with the two institutions via the contacts below:

Dr. Samuel Kargbo- Principal TECT pastorkargbo@yahoo.co.uk

Dr. Richard Francis Wilson- President LBTS richard.f.wilson@gmail.com or

Rev. Alexander J. Brooks- Academic Dean LBTS- askrevbrooks@gmail.com

We do appreciate your prayers and support for this heavy and challenging matter.


Note and pray for the success of the following upcoming meetings:

  • OCI Institute:  5th -7th May (Nigeria)
  • AEA General Assembly: 27th June – 2nd July (Zimbabwe)
  • ICETE Consultation: 6th -11th November (Turkey)
  • ACTEA Director’s planned visits to: OC Institute and selected institutions in Cameroon and Nigeria in May.

If you have library news or questions, please feel free to contact David Fitz-Patrick at dfitz@bisa.org.za so that he can include them or help where possible via our ACTEA Librarians eNews.


As we all prepare to celebrate the Easter season, we here at ACTEA would like to extend our best wishes for a happy and holy Easter to all our member institutions, partners, donor and friends of ACTEA.

Easter is a true celebration of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness that all of us must be thankful for. It is a perfect time for us to think about God’s love to us, that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

We are grateful to each and every one of you for your prayers and support which have gone a long way in ensuring that we meet our Mission of promoting quality evangelical theological education in Africa.

 On Behalf of ACTEA family, we wish you and yours a blessed Easter, and a happy, safe and restful holiday!