June 2008

Download June 2008 eNews here

The mission of ACTEA is to promote quality evangelical theological education in Africa by providing supporting services, facilitating academic recognition, and fostering continental and inter-continental cooperation.

In this edition of ACTEA eNews:

  1.  ACTEA ‘Think Tank’ Held in Johannesburg
  2.  Christian Association of Librarians in Africa (CALA) Conference
  3.  Theological Education Conference Held in Nigeria
  4.  Accreditation News
  5.  Free Resources for Theological Educators
  6.  ICETE International Consultation for Theological Educators
  7.  Brief Notes from the ACTEA Community

1. ACTEA ‘Think Tank’ Held in Johannesburg

In pursuit of continuing excellence in theological education in Africa, an ACTEA ‘Think Tank’ was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 19-21 May 2008, under the auspices of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). The Think Tank gathered together thirteen participants, including members of the ACTEA Executive Committee, ACTEA staff, regional representatives of theological schools, and ICETE delegates, to carry out an evaluative (SWOT) analysis of ACTEA after its 32 years of existence, and to propose ways of improving ACTEA policy, structure, finances and service delivery by developing a strategic plan. ACTEA looks forward to informing you in the future of new developments arising from ideas generated at the Think Tank.


2. Christian Association of Librarians in Africa (CALA) Conference

The Christian Association of Librarians in Africa (CALA) Conference will be held outside of Nairobi, Kenya, 14-18 July 2008, at the Bible Translation and Literacy Conference Centre. The theme for this year’s annual conference is “Customer-Focused Library Services.” Highlights of the conference are: Learning about personality differences of library users and staff; Marketing principles and specifically how to market the library; Providing library services to extension students; Communication principles for oral communication, and research writing; Planning a user-friendly, welcoming library facility. Special guest from ATLA Collaboration Committee in the US, Margaret Tarpley. In addition, evening brain-storming sessions will tackle issues that we all face in our libraries. Cost is $250 and registration with a cheque must be received by 27 June. Contact Jane Wambua at jwambus@yahoo.com for a copy of the brochure.

3. Theological Education Conference Held in Nigeria

A conference on Theological Education in Africa, chaired by Dr Tersur Aben, and facilitated by Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS), was held in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria, 2-6 June 2008, with the support of Mission Africa, Christian Reformed World Missions, Langham Partnership, and ACTEA. The conference brought together 175 registered participants from over 60 institutions. Dr Graham Cheesman, Director of the Centre for Theological Education, Belfast Bible College, gave the keynote addresses on Theological Education. Plenary papers were presented by several distinguished theologians including Prof Joseph Ilori, Dr Tersur Aben, Dr Bulus Galadima, Prof Umar Danfulani, Prof Musa Gaiya, Dr David Smith, Dr David Shepherd, Prof Stephen Williams, and Prof Danny McCain. Plenary sessions were supplemented by subject area seminars and workshops on administration, finances and pedagogy. It is hoped that this may become an annual event in Nigeria.


4. Accreditation News

ACTEA is pleased to announce the recent accreditation/re-accreditation of the following programmes:

  • Justo Mwale Theological College (JMTC), Lusaka, Zambia: accreditation of its Dip Th and BTh from October 19, 2007.
  • Mekane Yesus Seminary (MYS), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: accreditation of its BTh in Christian-Muslim Relations (BTh-CMR) and re-accreditation of its BTh, from May 1, 2008.

ACTEA is also pleased to announce that Africa Christian Seminary (ATS), formerly ICM Seminary, Kitale, Kenya has achieved ACTEA Affiliate Status (a provisional recognition of its Dip Th and BTh programmes) from September 21, 2007. ATS has also a new principal, Dr Emmanuel Chemengich: echemengich@gmail.com.


5. Free Resources for Theological Educators

CVC Media, in relationship with Cfan (Christ for All Nations, the ministry of evangelist Reinhard Bonnke), is offering to give the Bible college version of the latest Reinhard Bonnke 8-week ‘Full Flame Evangelism’ film series, free of charge, to Bible colleges throughout Africa. CVC’s proviso is that schools which receive this series of DVDs implement it in the life or curriculum of the college and then fill out a report form to return to CVC Media as soon as students have completed the exercise. For more information please contact Henry Stanhope, biblecolleges@cvc.tv. (Please note that ACTEA does not promote or endorse this or any specific curriculum, but simply wishes to pass along this offer to our email subscribers.)

If you have not yet done so, be sure to take advantage of the following free resources mentioned in the last ACTEA eNews:

  • Available to theological libraries and scholars in Africa: CD entitled “Perspectives of an African Theologian: The writings of Byang H. Kato ThD.” The CD contains 90 documents including Byang H. Kato’s published and unpublished articles, his MST thesis and ThD dissertation, and several published books including his Theological Pitfalls in Africa. To request your free copy, email info@TheolEdAfrica.org and indicate your involvement in theological scholarship in Africa. You must also provide your complete mailing address. (This special ACTEA offer is available only while quantities last!)
  • Available online: Textbooks for Theological Education in Africa: An Annotated Bibliography by Richard L. Starcher and Enosh A. Anguandia, www.ecwaevangel.org/textbiblio/biblio_all.pdf. This unique tool, 213 pages covering 707 titles, will help teachers and students find African resources on the subjects they are studying. Books are listed by academic subject and also by author. Each book is accompanied by notes on availability, price, theological orientation, educational level, subject, review and usefulness. The bibliography is further enhanced by subject and key word indices. For more information, contact Rich Starcher at starcher@efcaim.org.

6. ICETE International Consultation for Theological Educators

The International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) will hold its triennial International Consultation for Theological Educators from 5-9 October 2009 in Sopron, Hungary, with the theme, “Energising Community: Theological Education’s Relational Mandate.” The distinguished international evangelical scholars Bishop Hwa Yung of Malaysia, and Professor Henri Blocher of France, will be among the principal speakers. This Consultation is intended for the ICETE constituency throughout the world. Space is limited, so priority will be given to representatives from schools affiliated with one of the eight continental associations that make up the ICETE family (including ACTEA). The Consultation participation fee of US$750 per individual covers registration, accommodation, meals, etc. ACTEA-related schools are eligible for a 50% discount on the Consultation fee. Travel and related expenses are the responsibility of the sponsoring institution or individual. Those interested in attending the Consultation should begin registration proceedings immediately, by contacting the ICETE Consultation Directorate at: Consultation2009@icete-edu.org.


7. Brief Notes from the ACTEA Community

The Evangelical College of Theology in Sierra Leone invites the ACTEA community to visit their new website, www.tectsl.com, offering the most recent photos and relevant information from TECT.

The African Journal of Evangelical Theology (published twice yearly by Scott Theological College) invites articles of 8000-10,000 words and book reviews of 1000-1500 words for consideration for publication. For more information please visit www.scott.ac.ke or contact Dr Esther Kibor at ajetjournal@scott.ac.ke



ACTEA eNews is an e-mail forum for the periodic exchange of news, information, and resources on behalf of the Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa(ACTEA), ACTEA-related institutions and theological programmes, supporting organisations, and interested individuals.

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Potential contributions to ACTEA eNews are welcome and may be sent to the editor at drstephanieblack@gmail.com

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ACTEA Librarians eNews
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ACTEA is an agency of the Theological and Christian Education Commission of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa.