March 2008

Download March 2008 eNews Here

The mission of ACTEA is to promote quality evangelical theological education in Africa by providing supporting services, facilitating academic recognition, and fostering continental and inter-continental cooperation.

In this edition of ACTEA eNews:

  1.  ACTEA eNews Is Back!
  2.  Bibliography for Theological Education in Africa on Internet
  3.  Free CD of Byang Kato Works for Theological Libraries and Scholars
  4.  SATS Announces New Postgraduate Programmes
  5.  NEGST Announces New Programme
  6.  TCZ Seeks Christian Education Lecturer
  7.  AJET Invites Article Submissions
  8.  WEA General Assembly to Be Held in 2008

1. ACTEA eNews Is Back!

After a delay due to staff transitions and challenges in moving our distribution list to Google Groups, we are pleased to announce that ACTEA eNews and its related newsletters are back online.

If you are reading this, you have subscribed to the new ACTEA eNews group on Google. However, some of your colleagues may have forgotten to do so. Please take a moment to forward this copy of eNews to co-workers at your institution and remind them to renew their subscription. The following ACTEA e-mail newsletter titles are available. To subscribe to any of the following, simply send a blank e-mail message to the corresponding email address:

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ACTEA Librarians eNews
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2. Bibliography for Theological Education in Africa on Internet

Africa Christian Books is pleased to announce the availability of a substantial bibliography of titles of interest to all theological educators in Africa. Textbooks for Theological Education in Africa: An Annotated Bibliography by Richard L. Starcher and Enosh A. Anguandia is now available at no charge on the Internet. This unique tool will help teachers and students to find African resources on the subjects they are studying. Acknowledgement is made to the journal BookNotes for Africa for permission to make brief use of their published reviews. The book is 213 pages covering 707 titles. Books are listed by academic subject and also by author. Each book is accompanied by notes on availability, price, theological orientation, educational level, subject, review and usefulness. The bibliography is further enhanced by subject and key word indices.

View for yourself at:

For more information, contact Rich Starcher at


3. Free CD of Byang Kato Works for Theological Libraries and Scholars

Act now and benefit from this free offer to theological libraries and scholars in Africa!

A friend of ACTEA has offered to mail free of charge to theological libraries and scholars a newly compiled data CD entitled “Perspectives of an African Theologian: The writings of Byang H. Kato ThD.” The CD contains 90 documents including Byang H. Kato’s published and unpublished articles, his MST thesis and ThD dissertation, and several published books including his Theological Pitfalls in Africa. See a full bibliography of Byang H. Kato’s works at, link ACTEA, link Tools & Studies, No. 16. To request your free copy of the CD, simply and indicate your involvement in theological scholarship in Africa. You must also provide your complete mailing address. We encourage multiple orders to the same address in order to save shipping costs (provide above details for each intended recipient).

NOTE: This special ACTEA Offer is available only while quantities last.


4. SATS Announces New Postgraduate Programmes

The desire of the South African Theological Seminary is to raise Bible-based, Christ-centred, Spirit-led Evangelical scholars in Africa. With this in mind SA Theological Seminary is very pleased to announce the inauguration of the SATS Postgraduate School. The school offers MTh and DTh degrees administered by supervisors who are experts in their fields.

For more information visit or contact the Registrar at:

Mrs Jenny Mason
Projects Director
S A Theological Seminary – A World Seminary
Telephone: +27 11 234 4440


5. NEGST Announces New Programme

Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology is pleased to announce the launching of the Postgraduate Diploma in Theology in September 2008.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Theology is a multipurpose programme designed to:

  •  Serve as a bridge for candidates who do not qualify for direct entry into postgraduate studies offered by NEGST. Those who complete the PGD programme with 3.00 or higher cumulative GPA may be admitted into masters-level programmes.
  •  Expose candidates to advance knowledge and skills in research, theological, biblical, and ministerial studies.
  •  Grant graduates access to the ministry in some churches that set additional requirements beyond undergraduate studies. The PGD in Theology programme will be offered on both a full-time and part-time basis on the main NEGST campus at Karen. Programme completion requires 30 credit hours of study.

Application forms and additional information are available at under Admissions, or from the Admissions Officer, P.O. Box 24686-00502, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 254 (20) 882104/5, E-mail:


6. TCZ Seeks Christian Education Lecturer

The Theological College of Zimbabwe is seeking a Christian Education lecturer (preferably African) to teach Christian Education courses at BA level, including Foundation of Christian Education, Human Development, Teaching Methods and Practicum, Curriculum Development, Sociology of Education, Philosophy of Education and Psychology of Education. The ideal candidate would be able to strengthen the TCZ Christian Education Department to create a Division.

For further information, please contact:

(Rev.) Dr R. Heaton, Academic Dean
Theological College of Zimbabwe
Box AC 587 Ascot
Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE

Phone: (263) (9) 287032


7. AJET Invites Article Submissions

The Editorial Committee of the African Journal of Evangelical Theology invites newly written and previously unpublished articles by evangelical scholars, and book reviews written from an evangelical perspective, for publication. The journal is published twice yearly by Scott Theological College.

The purpose of AJET is to strengthen the African church by providing original, well thought out and/or reflected articles on biblical, theological, missional, pastoral, historical, leadership, African Christianity, contextualization, and ministerial issues with implications for educational ministry in the African continent. It also provides book reviews on new and recent books, thus creating awareness of these books for its readers. These articles and book reviews are of great benefit to theological educators and students in institutions of higher theological education.

All articles are reviewed for potential publication, and are screened according to the following criteria:

  •  Theology: The theological reflection must be based on the authority of Scripture and written from an evangelical perspective.
  •  Relevance: Articles written should be relevant to and reflect on problems, issues and topics grappled with by the African Christian church today, whether in traditional African culture and or contemporary society.
  •  Scholarship: Articles should reflect serious original scholarship based on library or field research, contributing to the respective academic disciplines, with no less than ten bibliographic references. The English composition should be accurate and readable, without the need for extensive editing.
  •  Format: The article manuscript should be typewritten double-spaced with full documentation at the end of the article of every source used. Footnotes or endnotes should be properly formatted following the guidelines of a scholarly publication (Chicago/Turabian style manual recommended).
  •  Length: All scholarly articles should be between 8000 and 10000 words, book reviews between 1000 and 1500 words. A chapter from a thesis or dissertation should be re-written as a self-contained article with a clear thesis and argumentation.

New subscribers are always welcome. Rates and subscription forms can be downloaded from our website: Please visit this website for more information and for the address for submitting article manuscripts, or contact Dr Esther Kibor at


8. WEA General Assembly to Be Held in 2008

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) will hold its next General Assembly from 25-30 October 2008, in Pattaya, Thailand. The theme is “ONE LORD, ONE BODY, ONE VOICE (Eph 4:4-6)”. This is the first WEA General Assembly held since 2001. Join over 500 other leaders from National & Regional Evangelical Alliances, WEA Commissions, Global Partners and Associates.

As One Body we will call upon and hear from the Lord through concerts of prayer.

As One Body we will develop strategies to address 21st century realities:

  •  Mobilizing the church to be catalysts of transformation in the world.
  •  Global poverty in all its aspects
  •  The persecuted church, religious freedom and advocacy
  •  Evangelicals in the public square

Expect to:

  •  Develop strategic partnerships.
  •  Be inspired with a global, evangelical perspective for your ministry.
  •  Dialogue with and learn from your peers in small groups.
  •  Be equipped through training modules.
  •  Help shape the future of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Registration is now open. More detailed information is available at