Home ACTEA Staff bibliography

Select Bibliography of ACTEA Staff

(starting with our executive director, David Tarus, and then listed alphabetically by surname)

David Kirwa TARUS

Dr. Tarus is published under “David Tarus”, “David K. Tarus”, and “David Kirwa Tarus.”

A Different Way of Being:  Towards a Reformed Theology of Ethnopolitical Cohesion for the Kenyan Context.  Carlilse, UK:  Langham Monographs, 2019.
co-edited book
Heath, Gordon L., and David K. Tarus, eds.  Christian Responses to Terrorism:  The Kenyan Experience.  McMaster General Studies Series 10.  Eugene, Oregon:  Pickwick Publications, 2017.
articles & chapters
“Being Human in Kenya:  Theological Anthropology in the Age of Terror.”  Chapter 6  in Christian Responses to Terrorism:  The Kenyan Experience, edited by Gordon L. Heath and David K. Tarus, 88–105.   McMaster General Studies Series 10.  Eugene, Oregon:  Pickwick Publications, 2017.
“The Church and Ethnopolitical Conflict in Kenya, 1982-2013.”  Chapter 8 in Forgiveness, Peace-Making and Reconciliation, edited by Rodney Reed and David Ngaruiya, 179–192.  ASET (Africa Society of Evangelical Theology) Series.  Carlisle, UK:  Langham Global Library, 2020. https://www.academia.edu/83200049/
“The Entrenchment of Enthocentlrism in Kenya’s Political Landscape and the Church’s Response to It.”  Chapter 2 in Moral Pedagogies for Africa:  From Ethnic Enmity to Responsible Cohabitation, edited by Theodros A. Teklu, 36–53.  Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious Relations.  New York:  Routledge, 2022. https://www.academia.edu/83200044/
“Excellence and renewal of theological education in Africa:  The case of ACTEA.”  Chapter 4 in A Critical Engagement with Theological Education in Africa:  A South African Perspective, edited by Johannes J. Knoetze and Alfred R. Brunsdon, 53–66.  Reformed Theology in Africa Series 7.  Cape Town, South Africa:  AOSIS, 2021.
“From the Rest to the West:  The Contribution African Christian Immigrants Give To Christianity in the Western World.”  Online Journal of African Affairs 5 (2016):  16–23.  https://www.academia.edu/83200042/
“Global Christianity: Eyewitness Reflections from Kenya.”  In The Globalization of Christianity: Implications for Christian Ministry and Theology, edited by Gordon L. Heath and Steven M. Studebaker, 146–151.  McMaster Theological Studies Series 6.  Eugene, Oregon:  Pickwick Publications, 2014.
“Imago Dei in Christian Theology: The Various Approaches.”  Online International Journal of Arts and Humanities 5 (May 2016):  18–25. https://www.academia.edu/26235190/
“John Stott and Biblical Preaching in Africa.”  Online International Journal of Arts and Humanities 5 (May 2016):  10–17.  https://www.academia.edu/83200041/
“Legio Maria.”  In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 15, pp. 75–77.  Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. https://www.academia.edu/83200038/
“Lord’s Supper:  II. Christianity:  H. World Christianity.”  In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 16, pp. 1175–1177.  Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, 2018.  https://www.academia.edu/83200040/
“Mother, Mothers, Motherhood:  V. Christianity:  G. Africa.”  In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 19, pp. 1228–1229.  Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, 2021. https://www.academia.edu/83200043/
Mtu ni Watu (A Person is Persons): The Contribution of an African Concept of Community to an Understanding of the Christian Doctrine of the Imago Dei.Sacrum Testamentum: An International Journal  1, no. 1 “Black Reflections on Christian Studies” (October 2018):  16 pages.  article link
“The Significance of Intellectual Humility for Theologians Today.”  Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology 28, no. 2 (2009):  115–126. https://www.academia.edu/83200048/
“Social Transformation in The Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians.”  Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology 33, no. 1 (2014):  3–21. https://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/ajet/33-1_003.pdf
co-written articles & chapters
Barron, Joshua Robert, and David Tarus.  “ACTEA Announces a New African Theology Journal.”  WEA Theological News 53, no. 1 (January–March 2024): 2. https://theology.worldea.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/TN-53-1_web.pdf (link to entire issue)
Tarus, David, and Joshua Robert Barron.  “Home Away from Home:  An Outsiders’ Reflection on the 2021 Canadian Census.”  Post-Christendom Studies 8 (2023–2024): 75–85. https://www.academia.edu/121917575/

Tarus, David K., and Julius Gathogo. “Conquering Africa’s Second Devil:  Ecclesiastical Role in Combating Ethnic Bigotry.”  Online Journal of African Affairs 5 (April 2016):  8–15.  https://www.academia.edu/83200037/

Tarus, David K., and Gordon L. Heath.  “Introduction.”  Chapter 1 in Christian Responses to Terrorism:  The Kenyan Experience, edited by Gordon L. Heath and David K. Tarus, 3–11.   McMaster General Studies Series 10.  Eugene, Oregon:  Pickwick Publications, 2017.
Tarus, David Kirwa, and Stephanie Lowery.  “African Theologies of Identity and Community:  The Contributions of John Mbiti, Jesse Mugambi, Vincent Mulago, and Kwame Bediako.”  Open Theology 3 (2017):  305–320.  https://doi.org/10.1515/opth-2017-0024

Joshua Robert BARRON

co-written book
Barron, Joshua, and Ruth Barron.  Enkinosata Ororei le Nkai. [kiMaasai language title “Eating the Word of God”.]  Edited by Francis ole Yenko and Cosmas ole Lemein.  Nairobi:  Community Christian Church, 2008.
kiSwahili Translation: Kujilisha kwa Neno la Mungu, translated by Joseph Okulo et al. (2015).
Turkana Translation:  Akiyen Akiroit A Akuj, translated by Simon Eipa (2017).
articles & chapters
“African Christian Theology:  Utilizing Social Media.” Journal of African Christian Biography 6, no. 2 (April 2021):  67–68. https://dacb.org/resources/journal/6-2/6-2-JACB-APRIL2021-ejournal.pdf (link to entire issue)
Andrew F. Walls: Apostle of World Christianity.” Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 12, no. 2 (2021). https://www.academia.edu/67965051/
“The Camel Has Four Legs:  A Contextual African Practical Ecclesiology.”  In On This Rock I Will Build My Church:  Ecclesiology in Africa.  [working title]. ASET Series 9.  Edited by David K. Ngaruiya and Rodney L. Reed.  Langham Global Library, 2024. [forthcoming]
“Connections and Collaborations among the Nubian, Coptic, and Ethiopian Churches.”  Chapter 6 in Globalizing Linkages:  The Intermingling Story of Christianity in Africa, edited by Wanjiru M. Gitau and Mark A. Lamport, 91–107.  Introduction by Mark R. Shaw.  The Global Story of Christianity:  History, Context, and Communities 3.  Edited by Emma Wild-Wood and Mark A. Lamport.  Series Introduction by Dana L. Robert.  Eugene, Oregon:  Cascade Books, 2023.
“Conversion or Proselytization? Being Maasai, Becoming Christian.” Global Missiology 18, no. 2 (April 2021): 12 pages. http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2428
“An Enkiteng Hermeneutics—Reading (and Hearing!) the Bible with Maasai Christians:  A review essay and proposal.” Global Missiology 18, no. 4 (October 2021):  2–16. http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2530
Eramatare:  A Missional and Theological Approach to Environmental Stewardship.”  African Theological Journal for Church and Society 6, no. 2 (2024):  forthcoming.
“God as Motherly Father and Fatherly Mother.”  Priscilla Papers 37, no. 3 (2023):  20–23. https://www.cbeinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/37.3_Web-1.pdf (link to entire issue)
“Is the Prosperity Gospel the Gospel?  The Prosperity and Productivity Gospels in African Christianity.” Evangelical Review of Theology 47, no. 4 (2023):  321–338.
https://theology.worldea.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ERT-47-4_web.pdf (link to entire issue)
“Is the Prosperity Gospel, Gospel?  An Examination of the Prosperity and Productivity Gospels in African Christianity.” Conspectus:  The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary 33, no. 1 (April 2022):  88–103. https://doi.org/10.54725/conspectus.2022.1.6
“Lessons from Scripture for Maasai Christianity, Lessons from Maasai Culture for the Global Church.” Priscilla Papers 33, no. 2 (Spring 2019): 17–23. https://www.academia.edu/38753599/
“Mutual Submission, Mutual Respect:  Reciprocal enkanyit in Ephesians 5 in the Maasai context.” Stellenbosch Theological Journal 7, no. 1 (2021):  Article #33, 34 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.17570/stj.2021.v7n1.a33

“My God is enkAi:  a reflection of vernacular theology.”  Journal of Language, Culture, and Religion 2, no. 1 (2021):  1–20. https://diu.edu/jlcr/volume-2-number-1/ (links to entire issue)

co-written articles
Barron, Joshua Robert, and Martin Munyao.  “In memory of those who went before, in honor of those who follow behind:  Introducing African Christian Theology.”  African Christian Theology  1, no. 1 (March 2024):  1–5. https://doi.org/10.69683/4yys6m08
Barron, Joshua Robert, and Anna Kasafi Perkins. “The Unreality and Reification of Race: Ethnocultural Identity in World Christianity.”  [forthcoming]
Barron, Joshua Robert, and David Tarus.  “ACTEA Announces a New African Theology Journal.”  WEA Theological News 53, no. 1 (January–March 2024): 2. https://theology.worldea.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/TN-53-1_web.pdf (link to entire issue)
Kihuha, Wanjiku M., and Joshua Robert Barron.  “Introducing the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology.”  Evangelical Review of Theology 47, no. 4 (2023):  303–338. https://theology.worldea.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ERT-47-4_web.pdf (link to entire issue)
Tarus, David, and Joshua Robert Barron.  “Home Away from Home:  An Outsiders’ Reflection on the 2021 Canadian Census.”  Post-Christendom Studies 8 (2023–2024): 75–85. https://www.academia.edu/121917575/

Bosela Ekahoi EALE

Justice and Poverty as Challenges for the Christian Churches:  With a Case Study on the Democratic Republic of Congo.  Ethics Theses 16.  Geneva:  GlobalEthics.net, 2015.
Justice et pauvreté comme défis pour les Églises chrétiennes:  Étude de cas en République démocratique du Congo.  Ethics Theses 16.  Geneva:  GlobalEthics.net, 2022.
articles & chapters
“Building Diaconal Leadership in Different Contexts – African Perspectives.”  Chapter 89 in International Handbook on Ecumenical Diakonia: Contextual Theologies and Practices of Diakonia and Christian Social Services —  Resources for Study and Intercultural Learning, edited by Godwin Ampony, Martin Buscher, Beate Hofmann, Félicité Ngnintedem, Dennis Solon, and Dietrich Werner, 609–613.  Regnum Handbooks.  Oxford:  Regnum, 2021.
“The Church as A Place and Instrument for Reconciliation and Peacebuilding.”  Boleswa Journal of Theology, Religion and Philosophy 5, no. 2 (2020):  193–202.
“Diakonia in Southern and Central African Christianity.”  Chapter 25 in International Handbook on Ecumenical Diakonia: Contextual Theologies and Practices of Diakonia and Christian Social Services —  Resources for Study and Intercultural Learning, edited by Godwin Ampony, Martin Buscher, Beate Hofmann, Félicité Ngnintedem, Dennis Solon, and Dietrich Werner, 186–190.  Regnum Handbooks.  Oxford:  Regnum, 2021.
“Ecumenism and Mission in Africa: A Missiological Perspective.”  Chapter 15 in Sharing and Learning: Bible, Mission, and Receptive Ecumenism, edited by Petter Jakobson, Risto Jukko, and Olle Kristenson, 154–169.  Geneva:  World Council of Churches, 2021.
“Mission in Africa:  An African Disciples Perspective.”  Chapter 25 in Chalice Introduction to Disciples Theology, edited by Peter Goodwin Heltzel, 260–272.  St Louis, Missouri:  Chalice Press, 2008.
“Place et Role de la famille en Afrique aujourd’hui.”  Dans Famille, Évangile et Cultures dans un monde en mutation, édité par Samuel D. Johnson.  Cevaa:  Communauté d’Églises en Mission.  Lyon, France:  Éditions Olivétan et Éditions CLÉ, 2020.
“Restoration Movement in Africa:  Its Beginning and Development.”  Leaven 17, no. 3 “Unfamiliar Voices: The Restoration Movement Around the World” (2009):  112–120.
co-written chapter
Eale, Bosela, and William A. Wright.  “Faith and Justification.”  Chapter 20 in Chalice Introduction to Disciples Theology, edited by Peter Goodwin Heltzel, 203–216.  St Louis, Missouri:  Chalice Press, 2008.


Mbengu David NYIAWUNG

Know, Plan and Conduct Research:  Some Tips on Writing Academic Papers.  Limbe, Cameroon:  Presbook, 2022.
Understanding the Bible:  A Guide to New Testament Interpretation. Limbe, Cameroon: Presbook, 2020.
articles & chapters
“An African hermeneutic reading of Luke 9:18–22 in relation to conflict and leadership.”  Voices from Kumba 3 (2010):  69−85.
“Contextualising biblical exegesis: What is the African biblical hermeneutic approach?” HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 69, no. 1 (2013): Article 2011, 9 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v69i1.2011
“In Search of a Samaritan:  The Risk-Taking Motif in Luke 10:30–35 as a Paradigm for African Socio-Economic Development.”  Neotestamentica 52, No. 2 (2018):  267–288.   https://www.jstor.org/stable/26727260
“Holistic Theological Education for Sustainable African Churches:  Community-Focused Theological Education.”  Voices from Kumba 5 (2023):  55-75.
“The Prophetic Witness of the Church as an Appropriate Mode of Public Discourse in African Societies.”  HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 66, no. 1 (2010): Article 791, 8 pages.
“Theological Education in the Context of Crisis.”  Didaktikos:  Journal of Theological Education 4, no. 2 (2020):  17–19.
co-written articles & chapters
van Eck, Ernest, and Mbengu D. Nyiawung.  “An African hermeneutic reading of Luke 9:18–22 in relation to conflict and leadership in pastoral ministry:  The Cameroonian context.”  HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 69, no. 1 (2013): Article 1201, 9 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v69i1.1201
Jackson, Glenna S., Jean Ntahoturi, and Mbengu David Nyiawung.  “Death, Afterlife, and Ancestors in Africa.”  Chapter 8 in Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife:  Eternity in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, vol. 3:  End Times and the Afterlife in Islamic, Buddhist, and Indigenous Cultures, edited by J. Harold Evans, 109–134.  Santa Barbara, California:  Praeger, 2013.
Nyiawung, Mbengu David, and Ernest van Eck. “Characters and ambivalence in Luke:  An emic reading of Luke’s gospel, focusing on the Jewish peasantry.” HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 68, no. 1 (2010):  Article 829, 12 pages.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v68i1.829

Emmanuel Oluwagbemiga OYEMOMI

Essentials of Christian Preaching — With Twelve pragmatic Applications and Eleven Special Services — For African Theological Institutions. Ibadan, Nigeria: Baptist Press, 2020.
Introduction to the Bible and Exegetical Theology.  2 volumes.  Lagos:  Fine Print Manufacturing, 2019.
co-edited book
Oyemomi, Emmanuel O., Esther O. Ayandokun, Oluwatoyin Adewuyi, et al., eds.  Multi-Staff Pastoral Ministry.  Revised and enlarged edition.  Lagos:  Baptist Press, 2017.
articles & chapters
“Appraisal of Religious Language, Religious Realism and Contemporary Christianity in Nigeria.”  In Raising Kingdom Ministers for Christ through Theological Educators, edited by Gabriel Olatunde Olaniyan and Samuel Olugbenga Akintola, 30–46.  Ogbomoso, Nigeria:  Baptist Press, 2017.
“Biblical Model for the Recruitment of Leaders and its Challenges for Theological Education in Africa.”  In Leadership in Africa:  Challenges for Theological Education, edited by Emiola Nihinlola, Thomas Oduro, and Deji Ayegboyin, 250–260.  WAATI Papers 6.  Ibadan, Nigeria:  West African Association of Theological Institutions (WAATI), 2012.
“Christian Higher Education and the Phenomenon of Spiritual Strongholds.”  In The Development of Christian Higher Education in Africa:  Essays in Honour of Professor Joseph Abiodun Ilori, edited by Samuel Peni Ango and Olusayo ‘Bosun Oladejo, 333–345.  Ogbomoso, Nigeria:  International Council for Higher Education (ICHE), West Africa Network, 2014.
“Financial Prudence as a Panacea for Effective Christian Education.”  Practical Theology:  A Journal of Baptist College of Theology Lagos 8 “Effective Christian Education in the 21st Century” (2015):  114–128.
“Globalization and Its Implications for Indigenization of Christian Worship.”  Ogbomoso Journal of Theology 10 (2005):  134–142.
“The Pedagogical Treatise for Excellence in 2 Timothy 2:15 and its Challenges for Theological Education in Nigeria.”  In Theological Education and the Challenge of Excellence, edited by Samuel Peni Ango, 178–190.  WAATI 2012 Conference Papers.  Enugu, Nigeria:  West African Association of Theological Institutions (WAATI) and Ilorin, Nigeria: Modern Impressions, 2013.
“Spirituality and Biblical Theology for Theological Education in Africa.”  Ogbomoso Journal of Theology 14, no 2 (2011):  93–108.


articles & chapters
“1 and 2 Peter.”  Chapter 19 in A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit, edited by Trevor J. Burke and Keith Warrington, 238–249.  Eugene, Oregon:  Cascade Books; and London:  SPCK, 2014.
“An Exegetical Exploration of ‘Spirit’ References in Ezekiel 36 and 37.”  Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 29, no. 2 (2009):  61–77.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/jep.2009.29.2.006
“The Context and Shape of Theological Education in Mozambique with Special Reference to Women.”  International Review of Mission 107, no. 1 (2018):  240–260.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/irom.12220
“Female Genital Mutilation in Africa:  An Analysis of the Church’s Response and Proposals for Change.”  Missiology:  An International Review 37, no. 4 (2009): 527–542.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/009182960903700405
“Romans 8:  The Chapter of the Spirit.”  Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 30, no. 1 (2010):  80–90.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/jep.2010.30.1.007
“Teaching Cross-Culturally in Mozambique.” In Teaching Across Cultures: A Global Christian Perspective, edited by Perry Shaw, César Lopes, Joanna Feliciano-Soberano, and Bob Heaton, 243–248.  ICETE Series.  Carlisle, UK:  Langham Global Library, 2021.
“Theological Education by Extension in South Sudan.”  Evangelical Review of Theology 34, no. 2 (2010):  167–175.
“Women in Male Spaces:  Female Faculty in Theological Education in Africa.”  [forthcoming chapter]